Chapter 1 - Social Groups

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    Social groups are a massive part of high school;it's how you make the right friends. Okay, so there are about 5 main types of social groups and a few other little groups. There are the prettys, the populars, the jocks, the bad boys and the geeks. The other little groups are the hand-ballers, the outcasts, the fangirls/fanboys, the friends, the surfer dudes and the gossip girls. STAY AWAY FROM THE PRETTYS AT ALL COSTS! The prettys are the ones that flirt with every single hot guy and they like wearing little pieces of fabric that cover up virtually nothing. Also I think every morning the prettys get a bowl, pour makeup into it and then they face plant into it. Basically a cake face, that's the only word for it.  


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Populars are not like the prettys at all. Well, that is unless you find a rotten and fake popular but they are quite rare. The popular's are mostly known for their kindness and friendly nature towards almost everyone. A popular is just someone that everyone likes which is what makes them so popular. A jock is sorta similar to a popular. They are all known for their talent in sport. Some of them are quite thick in the head, if you know what I mean (they are quite dumb). But not all of them are like that, some can be quite smart. The populars usually date the jocks unless the popular is a guy which would be weird, not saying that I'm homophobic or anything I just... You know what, never mind, just forget I ever said anything. Well anything I ever wrote. Doesn't matter! Moving on now. The bad boys are nothing like the jocks. They always get into trouble, they like dating the prettys and they are hardly ever in class because they are always wagging. They think they are so cool yet they are jerks to everyone and no one likes them, well except for prettys and other bad boys. They literally live to break the rules which is really stupid. And finally, last but definitely not least...THE GEEKS!!! Wh-which is you, obviously... duh. It's the geeks guide, not the pretty's guide, not the popular's guide, not the jocks guide and definit- you know what, I'm just gonna stop there before things get out of hand. But one more thing, who would read those books anyway, geez that would be so stupid. Anyways, the geeks. The geeks are either the super smart ones or the ones who love video games, or the ones who just don't fit into any other categories. We geeks love to make sarcastic jokes because that is our only defense (HAHA I just made a reference to something and if you understand I will love you forever). So this is the summary of all the social groups. It's also the end of the first chapter *sniffle, sniffle* but that's okay because there are plenty more chapters to come. WELCOME TO THE GEEKS GUIDE TO SURVIVING HIGH SCHOOL, Chapter 2 is just around the corner... well page. Until the next chapter, byes!

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