Chapter 18 - Hairstyles

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Even though hairstyles sounds unimportant, I promise you this chapter will be crucial to high school. Like my school, you are probably not allowed to wear your hair down past your shoulders. Boys, I recommend not to cut your hair really short. Surfer hair (which is long hair usually at or past your ears) is popular for some boys but mostly boys have thicker hair on the top of their head which they flick to the side. Girls, wear their hair long and the trend lately is in two inverted braids either side of the head. Though girls (mostly pretty's) attempt to wear their hair down or at least half up, half down, before teachers yell at them to wear all of it up. The reason is so you don't get nits (ewww, itchy), not just because they are mean (even though it may look like that). Girls, please don't just wear your hair in a pony every single day, like seriously how boring is that? Be original, put some effort in your appearance. Be proud in your appearance! Everyone appreciates it I promise and hey, you never know, you might start a trend. And for you boys, just keep up those hair flicks and running your fingers through the strands. It looks goooood. Keep up the good work! Now don't worry if you don't know how to braid let alone plait, find some friends, make some new friends that do know. If you don't like socialising well google (or 'duckduckgo') is always there for you. Search up some hairstyle tutorials, it will be fun and I guarantee you will get better over time. Make sure to show your friends your new skills! But don't be too fancy, remember it's not a fashion show...well unless you are a pretty (not that you would want to). Have fun! Next chapter!!!

 Have fun! Next chapter!!!

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