Chapter 4 - Homework

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Homework is Satan's creation. Like, legitimately. It's horrid, it's disgusting, it's insane and it's impossible. Damn, I'm so good at English, I've had so many tricolon's. High five Alanna *high fives self* I'm not crazy... I swear (Amelia whispers: She is sooo crazy!!!). Anyway, homework, yuck. Whenever a teacher gives you homework, always try to give a reason why you can't do it. Maybe you might have sport training, or piano lessons or maybe you have a family event to attend. Just make an excuse but if that doesn't work just copy off the goody two shoes who always does all of the homework. But if none of this works you're going to have to do it... yourself, dun dun duhhhhhhh (The Croods reference, you know with the little sloth thing that's says dun dun dun? Uh never mind). Some homework isn't that bad but most of it is. It's like torture. You have to do school work at home. It doesn't even make sense, it's so stupid. You could even do the homework during the lesson so you don't have to do it at home. With some homework you have to look things up on the internet or even read a book about it. It drives people insane. Especially when a teacher says that you only have to do 2 questions but you realise that the 2 questions have 30 parts to them. UGH. Anyways, if you must, just do the homework but always try to get out of it. I usually do it last minute in class when the teacher asks you to hand it in. I procrastinate A LOT. It's really bad. So anyway, there's not much more you need to know about homework except that it's EVIL. Anyway, next chapter!

 Anyway, next chapter!

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