Chapter 24:"What?!?"

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Sorry I didn't update our exams came up in the Philippines...but I'm back!!Well here's the new chapter so hope you like it...sorry for the wrong spelling and grammar I'll try to edit it..I'm just gonna warn you that the next chapters could make you cry...or not.
I saw her and Cole holding hands heading on the school garden..

It broke my heart..

I thought they were something but Cole explained about the game they were doing..

That was a relief but I'm worried for Phoebe...

What if she fell in love with Cole?

And now....

She did..

They're dating..

Cole told us I'd just walked away...

I can't stand the pain..

It really hurts..

But....even though they're dating..

I will still accept her as a friend.

I won't break their relationship..

I will accept that she's dating Cole even...

It hurts.

I'm doing this for her... because I love her
(8 days later..)

*ring ring*

The bell rang meaning it's dismissal time...

I went to my locker and putted my books...

Then Cole gave me a ride home...

"See you at Monday babe!"Cole said.

"Yeah see you at Monday!"I replied back.

I gave Cole a kiss goodbye...We can't meet every weekend sometimes because he's busy helping his parents at their business...

I then went inside...I went to my bedroom and putted my bag on the floor... I took out my phone and chatted with my friends..then I offed my phone took out my laptop then played on an online game...

After I played the game I tried to practice on playing my guitar...It was really hard at first but I got the hang of it when I kept on playing it... I was practicing to play "All of me by John Legend"on the guitar...

While playing my guitar my mom called me for dinner...I put my guitar first on my guitar stand then went downstairs to eat dinner...

After dinner I went to the bathroom took a shower...brushed my teeth then I headed to my dressed on my pajamas then went to bed...and tried to sleep...

The next morning I woke up at 6:30 I thought that there's school but I remembered it was Saturday today...

I looked at my phone then a notification came up...
it was a text from my boyfriend,Cole

The Love Game: A Hardship Love [To Be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now