Chapter 15:"Falling for Her"

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Day 46/100

"Thank you...Cole!!"She said.

"No problem!!"I replied back.

I hugged back.

We pulled away from the hug then we parted ways.

I didn't know that Phoebe has a sweet side.

I guess there's more to her that I don't know yet.

I guess I really am...

"Falling for Her"

I can't believe I'm falling for..

"My ex's besy friend"

But I need to hide my feelings--I can't lose the game.

I continued walking to my next class.

Which is History class...

Later at Home....

I was playing video games..

When suddenly....

"Cole!"A familiar feminine voice said.

I turned around and saw my sister....


I stopped the game and hugged her.

"Cadence,Long time no see!"I said,while pulling away from the hug.

"Cole,Long time no see too,little brother!!"She said,teasingly.

"Whatever "I replied, as I rolled my eyes.

"So how was mom and dad?"I asked her.

"Well they're fine they've been busy lately which reminds me by the way next week they're gonna visit here"She said.


"So how's my little brother been?"She asked.

"Well I'm good, just been busy lately--"I replied.

"So...umm do you want to watch a movie?"I offered.

"Uh sure I'll go pick a movie downstairs"She replied.

"Great I'll get the popcorn ready"I replied as I went downstairs.
Later that Evening....

"Thank you...Cole!!"She said.

"No problem!!"He replied back.
"Hey I have something for you?"He said.

"What is it?"She asked.

"Here"He said,giving her a small honekoneko plush.

"Aww thanks"She said.

"Your welcome "He said.

Then Phoebe suddenly kissed his cheek.
I swear if you get my girl your in dead meat.

She's only mine and not yours.

Me and Cadence are having a sister-brother bonding time...

When suddenly I felt like we're being watched by someone....

I looked out the window.

Hm..I guess I'm just being paranoid..

And continued watching the movie..

At least its Friday night.So I don't have anything to do.

After the movie we played video games,bake and talk.Like normal sibling bonding time.We stayed up late just to talk and catch up on some things.

"So theirs a lot of things have happened huh?"She asked.

"Yeah you missed a lot"I said.

"So what course are you gonna get from college?"She asked.

"Umm...I don't know...maybe engineering or architect"I replied.

"Hmm..I see so how's your grades by the way?"She asked.

"Well if it's easy I get a B+ and if it's hard I get a C or D+"I replied.

"Wow...this is not the Cole that I know..the Cole that I know always fails actually you always have failing marks from your grades"

Actually the truth is...

If it wasn't the game, me and Phoebe won't be this close to each other.

And that I won't get high grades...

The thing is...

I'm starting to develop feelings for Phoebe but I can't confess on what I'm
feeling for her because I'll lose the game...

"Well...I'm improving you know"I said,proudly.

"So how's your-"

"Being nosy Cadence you are,ehh?"I said.

Sometimes I hate my sister when she's so nosy.


"Sorry..."She apologized.

"Well night I'm gonna go to bed now "I said,as I yawned.

"Okay night also I'm gonna go to bed also see you tomorrow I mean later..Its already morning"She said looking at the wall clock.

We went to our bedrooms and sleep


"I can't sleep "

I can't stop thinking of her...

I guess I'm starting to fall for her.

I think...

"I'm Falling for Her,already"

The Love Game: A Hardship Love [To Be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now