Chapter 20:"The Truth"

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Hi Guys!!
So in this chapter it's all about Michelle a.k.a Phoebe's Mom p.o.v telling Phoebe about what really happened.The italic words are the flashbacks and the normal words are the characters speaking,if your getting confused...I hope you enjoy this chapter!😊

Sorry for the wrong grammar and spellings don't worry I'll edit those chapters ...

And one last thing,by the way....
11 chapters left before this book will end or will it😏


"I guess it's time for you to learn the truth about what happened..."I said,to my daughter.

I finished first on what I'm doing then me and my mija sat down on the couch...

I took a deep breath then started.

"Okay it started..."

I've just arrived from work...because of a really busy schedule...

I found out earlier that I was pregnant so I'm planning to share the news with him..

I went upstairs to me and Francis's room to put my things when suddenly I heard a girl in our room...

"I love you babe!"The girl said.

"I love you too babe!"A familiar masculine voice said.

I opened the door and what I saw made me drop my stuff and burst into tears..

I saw Francis and this random girl in bed--"together".

I can't believe he cheated on me...How could he do this to me...especially knowing the fact that I just found out I was pregnant with his...

"Michelle I can explain-"

"W-Why Francis?W-Why?T-This can't be real...t-this is just a joke...N-No"I said,crying.

"Michelle I-I'm sorry"He said.

He stand up whilst he's in his undergarment trying to hug me..

I pushed him tears rapidly streamed down my eyes.....

"You can't do this to me I'm pregnant with your child"I said,still tears rapidly streaming down.

"Wait,What?!"He said,confused.

"You didn't here me!!I said I'm pregnant with your child!!"I yelled,sobbing hard.

Before I slammed the door to his face I said these hurtful words.

I went downstairs still crying it really hurts so bad...this is my second break up I guess I really am hopeless romantic...

I went to another room to get my stuff...Luckily my stuff isn't upstairs where that stupid jerk is...

I packed my bags and left..I can't stand the pain...I just want to die but if I kill myself then I kill another..
"So Francis is my real father?"She asked.

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