Chapter 25:"The Break-Up"

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Warning:"This chapter is mature content due by it's theme about blood and suicide"

"Hello Babe,you okay?What's up?"Cole replied.

"Oh everything's fine....Cole I have to tell you....something"I said,as my voice cracked.

"Babe are you sure that you're really okay?what's wrong?"He asked,worried.

"Everything is perfectly fine"I replied.

" what do you want tell me?"He asked.

"...Cole...I-I'm...Breaking up"

I  woke up at 3:30 in the morning..

My eyes are still puffy and red...

I slowly sat up from my bed and rubbed my eye.

"Argh...I better wash up"

I stood up and walked towards my bathroom.

I approached the sink and opened the faucet,looking at myself at the mirror.

Gee...I look like a mess.

I groaned and washed my face with the water.

It's so cold.

I paused as the pain from yesterday came back tears formed in my eyes.

"...Cole...I-I'm...Breaking up"I said,as tears stream down my face.

"W-What?"He said,confusion and shock was in his voice.

"I said C-Cole...I-I'm breaking u-up with....y-you"I said,between sobs.

"Why?Why do you want to break up wi-?"

I'm sorry Cole for causing you much pain... I know you don't deserve this neither do I...

I'm gonna hate myself that I'm gonna lie to you....I-I'm really sorry...

"Because I fell in love with someone e-else"I said,cutting him off as I stuttered from the last part still crying.

"I-I'm sorry Cole but we are over,G-Goodbye...."I said as tears streamed down rapidly from my eyes.

"Phoebe please don't do this I love-"

I didn't let him finish his sentence...I quickly ended the call...

I'm s-sorry Cole...for what I did...all what I said is not true... I'm sorry...I lied to you...just so you know I love you so much I can catch a bullet before...

"It hurts so bad...."I whimpered as I gripped the sink's side.

Why does it have to be this way...

Why does this need to happen...

I left him....

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