Chapter 5:"The Picture"

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I groaned as I sat up.

My head hurts so much...

Oh yeah...



"Where am I?This is not my house!!"

The door opened which interrupted me to my thoughts.My eyes widened when I saw her,it was no other than

Phoebe Grace

Trisha's best friend(*cough**cough*the loser).

"Oh....your awake"she said.

"Arghh....obviously"I said,with sarcasm .

She sighed and sat beside.

"Look I don't have time to argue with you"She answered.

She took a pill and a glass of water from the side.

"Drink this.It will lessen your hangover"She said.

But it won't lessen the pain of my broken heart.

"Uhm...Thanks"I replied.

"In the mean time...breakfast is ready downstairs if your asking where you are,well this is my house,because you were super drunk last night...that you passed out and because I don't know where you live so...I brought you here"That was the last thing Phoebe said before she exited the room.

Well...that's embarrassing.

But the question is what even happend last night before I woke up here.I know she told me but it's like she's leaving out something but what?!
"Trisha why did you leave me?"I said,as I stopped walking and put my hand on her face to make her face me.

I repeated what I said again

before I kissed her.

"Wait?!? I kissed Phoebe.That loser."


"Why did I think that Phoebe was Trisha!!...Trisha is more beautiful than Phoebe!!...I can't believe that Trisha is Phoebe's best friend like seriously she's out of her league!!"I said to myself.

*Sigh*enough talking to myself I should go downstairs and eat breakfast and then go back to my house and get changed.

I walked downstairs and ate breakfast then went home and changed.
After I left my house I meeted with my friends and we walked to the bus stop and got inside.

"Dude,where were you last night we were calling your phone but your not answering it?"Zander asked,worriedly.

"Oh I was at the bar I guess I was too...drunk that Phoebe brought me to her house"I said saying Phoebe's name with disgust.

"Uhm....what happened?Did something happen last night?"Yun asked.

"Well....I thought Phoebe was Trisha so--we kissed"I replied with disgust.

The Love Game: A Hardship Love [To Be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now