Chapter 14:"Thank You......Cole"

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Day 45/100
(5 weeks after)

Its been 5 weeks after the incident happen between me and Jake.

Its really weird that I wasn't affected on what happened..

I guess I really moved on...

I was walking on my next class when suddenly someone tripped me which caused my books to fall..

"Well,well,well...Look who's here alone without friends,again.No other than Phoebe Grace Garcia the school loser"A feminine voice said.

"Bug off Megan..I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now"I said,as I get my books.

Are this really the Popular Girl Squad--
Tsk...more like a Fake Girl Squad..

"Aww--What a shame!You don't have your savior to save you!!"She said,teasingly.

I stand up holding my books over my chest with a confused expression.

But I ignored what she said.

Then she suddenly kick me from the stomach which caused me to fall again from the ground..I sat up giving them a glare.

I feel so worthless...

"Don't you even try to get my boy!!"Olivia said.

"What do you mean?"I replied,confused.

"Cole,I know since this past days you 2 have been really close!!"She said,yelling at me.

Then I got kicked again...

"Cole is just my friend and what do you mean your boy?Are you guys dating?"I replied in pain.

"Well we are but he doesn't know yet"She said.

"Oh so your telling me he's for grabs"I said,pain evident to my voice,as I tried to sit up.

"No he's not!!"

"You are so ugly!!"One of Megan's group said.

I smirked.

"Just like you!!"I said,as I backfired.

"You look like dirt"Lilian said.

I looked at myself...I look like a mess at least I'm bringing extra clothes.

"I look like dirt but I don't act one"I backfired to them,again.

"Why you--"

Megan's supposed to punch me,


"That's enough!!"A raspy voice said.

I looked up and i-it was


"C-Cole w-we can explain-"

"I saw everything!!Now bug off"He demanded.

"Why are you protecting this loser?"Megan said,saying the last word deeply.

He looked at me worriedly then he smirked.

"Because she's my girlfriend!!"

Their jaws dropped.So did mine.
Later Lunch...
"What?!?"They all yelled in chorus.

I just frozed their,in shock.

"You heard me..Now leave!!"He demanded.

They nodded then ran away in embarrassment.

"Do they always do this to you?"He asked,as he assist me to stand up.

"Y-yeah..."I stammered.

"I'll assist you to the nurse's office"He said.

"Uhm...thanks"I replied.
When we went out the nurse's office.

"Well,bye I have to go"He said.



I hugged him.

"Thank you...Cole!!"I replied.

He hugged me back.

"No problem!"He said.

We pulled away from the hug and went to our separate ways.
I'm not used to Cole's other side.I'm used to the Cole who is peevish.

I didn't know that he has a soft side.

A bad boy from the outside and a softy from the inside.

I guess there is more to him that I don't know yet.

I guess I really am...

"Falling for Him"

The Love Game: A Hardship Love [To Be Edited]Where stories live. Discover now