Chapter 29:"High School Reunion"

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"Hello"I answered.

"Uhm...hey Phe it's me Trisha...Well I was wondering if you're free on Friday?"Trisha answered.

"Huh?Uhm,Why?"I asked,confused.

"Well,we're gonna have a high school reunion on Friday at Hillston High around 4 pm.."She explained.

"Uhm,yeah I'm free on Friday..."I replied.

"Great,well see you on Friday!!"She exclaimed.

"Yeah,see ya!!"I exclaimed,then ended my call.

"I hope you're there...I miss you.."
The following day...







I groaned as I turned of my alarm clock...I sat down and stretched my arms and yawned...

I looked at my clock...

"8:30 am"

I collapsed on the bed again...

"Today's the day.."

I said with a hint of enthusiasm on my voice with a smile.But disappeared easily...

I stood up and went downstairs...and ate breakfast then washed the dishes...

By the way,I still live with my parents...I know what you're thinking like why am I still living with my parents? Well it's because I love my family...It's not like I'm not independent or anything its just that they're also my responsibility...there are times that they need me so I decided to live with them...

After breakfast,I went straight to the bathroom. I took a dressed...combed my hair then blow dried it and put it on a messy bun...

I then went back to my room...and do my normal online games on my laptop...just like old times...

I have a job...but it's just my day off today and tomorrow,so that's why I'm free today...I played on my laptop for awhile...then did some other stuff...

When the clock strikes at 2:40 I started getting ready...

I also putted makeup but it's just simple and light makeup since I don't really like using makeup that much and also I don't put mascara on...

Today I'm wearing an floral print open-shoulder top with black a skirt 1 inch above the knee and a pair of brown ankle boots and a shell necklace to match my outfit.. I sprayed some perfume then went straight downstairs...

I took the car keys on my drawer then headed to the garage...I took driving lessons while I was at London so that's why I have my license now and I know how to drive...

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