Chapter 17:"Heartbroken"

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Day 50/100

I'm walking in the hallway with my friends...

Earlier this morning I didn't expect what I just did..

Why if you ask? see
I was fixing my things when suddenly...Someone knock on the door...

*knock knock*

"I'll get it mom!!!"I said.

I went downstairs and open the door....
It was no other than..

Cole Luiz Trainor

"Cole,what are you doing here?"I asked,suprised.

"Well...I'm here to drive you to school"He answered back,smiling.

I swear he's smile is so--contagious,I don't know why?

"Ready to go?"He said.

"Uhm...yeah just gonna get my things upstairs"I said.

I went upstairs and get my things then went downstairs...

"You ready to go?"He asked again.

"Yup!!"I replied.

We went outside...And to my suprise he opened the car door for me..Wow,I never seen this side of him,being a gentleman..I went inside the car..the ride stayed silent.

When we arrived..

"Uhm...thanks for driving me to school"I said,politely.

"No problem!"He said,smiling at me.

I swear I'm not use to this..

I get my things before I went out the car I kissed him from the lips
And yeah--that's what happened... be honest I don't even know what I'm feeling around's like when I'm around him I start to feel this weird emotions,like there's butterflies in your stomach..but he's only being nice to me because of the love game even,Trisha doesn't love Cole anymore,Cole loves her not me..

"Hey,earth to Phoebe you there?!"Jasper said,waving his hands on my face.

"Huh..uhm..yeah"I said,getting snapped back to reality.

"You sure?"Trisha said,giving me a are-you-okay look.

"Yeah...I'm totally fine"I said,giving them a reassuring smile.

"Okay well--bye guys I have to go now see you when I see you"Jasper said,waving goodbye.

"Well...bye Phoebe I have to go also see you when I see you"Trish said,waving goodbye.

"Well...bye guys"I replied,waving back.

Oh by the way...Trish had the courage to tell Jasper about her feelings and the thing is Jasper like her back...I swear I ship them---I wonder what kind of ship name would they have...Jasha or Jarish...

I went to my locker and get my books from my next class...then walked to my next class which is English...

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