Chapter 3:"Fight"

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As I was out on a bathroom break on English class,after Ms.Sanchez scolded me,I heard things I was never meant to hear.

"Ugh...This is not my day!I can't believe I was embarrassed in front of the class!I felt all eyes on me it's crazy!"I said talking to myself while walking to the restroom.

I look crazy talking to myself out loud but,come on,there's no one-.

"I already told you we're done!!!"A familiar feminine voice said.

Well,I guess there was.

"Please...I didn't do anything.I swear-"
A deep raspy voice said,then was cut off by her.

Being the curious person I am,I took a peek.

I gasped at the sight that I saw.

It was no other than Trisha and her ex-boyfriend,Cole.

I decided to linger a bit,I don't know the reason why but I just felt to.

"What do you mean you didn't do anything?!!You cheated on me!!You Cheater!!Trisha said,half screaming and sobbing.

"I'm sorry....If you saw that but Megan's the one who kissed me not me,your the one that I like not her!Just tell me what to do so I could make it up to you!I'll do anything just to have you back!I love you Trisha!I love you so much!"Cole said,pain evident in his voice.

I covered my mouth with my mouth with my hand to prevent myself to cry too.It just maked me remember how me and my boyfriend broke up.It's just so sad...

So that's why they broke up.

"Well even I like to believe on what your saying Cole but I don't think I can.I just can't feel the connection anymore.I'm sorry Cole...Goodbye"
Trisha said,sadly.

"No!No!Listen to me please!Im saying the truth!Please bring me back!I'll make it up to you!I love you so much!
I'll even prove it to you!I'll...I'll..."

"Stop it Cole!You always say that and it never happened!What's done is done.Goodbye"That was the last thing Trisha said before she went away,the other way of course.

"Trisha!I...I love you..."Cole said,sadly as tears escaped his eyes as well.He then quickly wiped it them and masked it with anger.Then walked he away.He stopped for a moment and clicked his tongue.

"Why....Why does it have to be like this!!!"He yelled,punching the wall,
causing it to crack.

I can't help but yelp a little at his actions.

"Wh-Who's there?He asked,his eyes looking in my direction.I tried my best to not make a sound.

"Hm...Must be my imagination...I'll find a way to bring her back...I won't stop until I do...I love you Trisha..." That was the last thing I heard before the sound of footsteps getting fainter and fainter followed.

I felt a tear escaped my eye because of what I just witnessed.

"That...that was so dramatic.H-how...Ugh!"I said slapping my cheeks together.

"Get it together Phoebe!Oh no...I overtimed for 5 minutes!Now Ms.Sanchez is totally gonna kill me! I said,facepalming.

I took a deep breath and walked to class.

"Ms.Garcia!Overtime of 5 minutes!

"*Sigh*This is not my day..."I said to myself.

"Now take your seat!"Ms.Sanchez said.

"Yes Ma'am!"I said,as I walked to my seat.I feel all eyes are on me but ignored it.
It was lunch time and Trisha was awfully quiet and sad right now.

She was eating her food quietly,not uttering a word.

I know what it's like to be expected of such things and being pressured on things like this....I understand her she needs some time alone.

Jasper sat beside me akwardly and leaned.

"What's wrong with Trisha?"He whispers.

"I don't know"I lied,whispering back to him.

Well I know the reason why but if I tell him then Trisha will over hear us and become more sad.


"Hey Trisha!Why so down in the dumpster?"Asked Jasper suddenly.

Trisha just gave him a deadpanned look and continued eating.

"Nothing,really"She replied,not meeting our gaze.

"Come on Trisha we know that's not-"

"Shut up or I'll kick your butt!"She hissed at Jasper sending him a glare.

I can't help but snicker a bit.Which made Jasper elbow my stomach.Which made me punch him really hard in the arm.

"Oww!You don't need to punch my arm that hard!!"He said,sending me a glare.

I glared back at him and continued eating my food.

Suddenly,someone forcibly placed it's hands in our table,making it shake a little.

"E-excuse me,I have to go"Trisha said shakily,tears threatening to escaped from her eyes.With that said,she ran off.

"T-Trisha!"Jasper yelled,standing up to go after her.

I soon held his wrist,preventing him to go.

"Let her,She needs some time alone"I said seriously.

He nodded his head and just continued

"*Sigh*I hope she'll be okay I said,talking to myself.

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