Chapter 28:"7 years later.."

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This is all my fault

All my fault...

If I didn't break up with him then he won't be here...

He wouldn't have been shot...

He wouldn-....he wouldn't be in a coma right now....

After the incident...the memory kept on replaying, replaying and replaying over and over again...


7 years has passed already...

I can't believe time flies so fast..and it's been also 7 years since I last seen Cole....I miss him very,so much.

I don't even know if he's still alive or not on this day...because 7 years ago they transferred him to another hospital from another country due to lack of hospital apparatuses needed...since then, we didn't had any contact with his family...

Back then, I was so afraid...afraid because he won't survive but I guess everything happens for a reason..
I hope he's still alive...I really miss him...If he's still alive I hope we meet again...because I love him so much...but I know he's still alive...

I regretted everything I did from my past,even the choices I chose,except when I played the love game and fell for him...but as what I said everything happens for a reason...

And life isn't perfect and it isn't also a fairytale that we dreamt about when we were little...But of course in life fate works in cruel ways and it always takes it's toll...

For this past years, me and my father got along pretty well...he was a good guy after all...he's very supportive...turns out I was just being so paranoid of him being bad...and he's very sorry for what he had done from his past...

Well,I don't blame him...all of us made mistakes from our past that we can't change and besides it's normal to make mistakes it's part of life... we're not perfect...

I'm here in my bedroom reading a book sitting on my bed...when suddenly my phone rang... I picked it up...

It was Trisha who was calling...I answered it...

"Hello"I answered.

"Uhm...hey Phe it's me Trisha...Well I was wondering if you're free on Friday?"Trisha answered.

"Huh?Uhm,Why?"I asked,confused.

"Well,we're gonna have a high school reunion on Friday at Hillston High around 4 pm.."She explained.

"Uhm,yeah I'm free on Friday..."I replied.

"Great,well see you on Friday!!"She exclaimed.

"Yeah,see ya!!"I exclaimed,then ended my call.

I putted my phone on top of my bed table...
then collapsed on my bed...looking at the ceiling...

I looked at my alarm clock...

"9:45 am"

Then looked at the ceiling...

I sighed...

"I hope you are there..."I said.

I took my pillow and hugged it tight...

I looked at my bed table where my phone is... then looked at the picture behind it...

I sat up and grabbed the picture...

It was a picture me and him together...

I lie down on my bed and held the picture on my chest... I looked at it one last time...then sighed

"I hope you're there...I miss you.."
I hoped you liked this chapter sorry if I haven't been updating lately I've been busy at school...You see I'm at high school,I am almost done from freshman year I'm turning as a sophomore next school year...
I hope you understand...

Thank you for reading this chapter and sorry for the wrong grammar and spelling errors I'll edit them when the book ends...

Speaking of end this book is almost gonna end after like 3 more chapters..I hope you like this book and enjoyed it...


The Love Game: A Hardship Love [To Be Edited]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon