Double the Pain

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Chapter 23- Cole's Perspective-

October 8

I fiddled my thumbs after I rang the doorbell to Sandra's parent's house. "What if they won't talk?" I mumbled under my lost hopes. 

"Cole they will, or else." Geo stood beside me, always knowing when I needed a sense of humor. 

A person slowly opened the door and their head peeked through the crack in the door. "Yes?" 

"Umm. . . We are here to ask about Sandra." I whipped my head up after I heard the voice front he door. 

"Oh, Cole, come inside before someone sees you." Sandra's mother opened the door and motioned us to hurry inside, and before closing the door she stuck her head outside again looking right and left then slammed the door. 

I walked further into the house seeing a change from the time I came here. All family photographs were taken down and the warm colors were replaced were shades of grays, blues, and blacks. The kitchen no longer smelled like sweet vanilla cupcakes, but like shoe polish and a nose crinkling, rubbing alcohol smell. 

"Boys sit down, do you want tea?" Sandra's mother looked like she was overfilled with worries and problems. 

"That would be delightful." Geo smiled and motioned me to sit on the couch.

"What the hell Geo? She already has so many things to do." I slapped Geo in the arm. 

"No she wants to know she is doing something good for someone, trust me, people like to take their mind's off of things and do stuff like this." He gave me the 'duh' look. 

The two of us sat on the stiff couch observing the pile of books on the table. Before we could look at the books, Sandra's mother came in the room with two mugs of steaming tea. 

"So boys what are you doing here at a time like this?" I could see that Sandra's mother could not relax when she sat down, the wrinkles on face were more defined and the dark under circles under her eyes looked like she had hadn't slept for years. 

"We were actually wondering about the treasure hunt you set up for Sandra. She said her father was in to these?" I took a sip of the hot tea and felt the burning liquid burn my throat and numb the taste buds on my tongue. 

The women in front of me started to tiredly laugh. "Boys we are not Sandra's parents." 

Geo and I looked at each other with surprise. "WHAT!" 

"You see, Sandra's parents were captured and then their children were sent to live with then next couple in the pack who couldn't have children. Dan and I adopted them like they were our own children, but we just couldn't convince ourselves that they were ours." She stopped talking and looked down. 


"Mrs. Joanes." 

"Mrs. Joanes do you happen to know where Sandra's parents are?" Geo took the throttle now. 

"Yes by the Aloha of the West pack. His son--." She looked lost for words. 

"Colt." I growled and almost dropped the mug in my hand. 

I set the glass down before I broke it. "Why would they want Sandra?"

"Idiot." Geo mumbled under his breath harshly. 

"Excuse me?"  I raised my eyebrow. 

"It's you they want. YOU!" Geo's eyes enlarged to the size of golf balls 

"How would they get me from Sandra though, how will I find her?" I was still confused. 

"Actually, " Mrs. Joanes butted into our conversation, "she has a gift. She doesn't know it, but she is like her mother. She can send you signs of where she is and how she is feeling. You must not let her pain tempt you; it is a trick." 

I was focusing on Mrs. Joanes conversation, but a sharp pain in my leg came. The pain felt like someone was stabbing a knife in my leg, I swear I could feel blood dripping down my skin. I grabbed my leg and gasped in pain. I could nothing about the pain, but keep staring at it. Geo was staring at me and I gave him the "what is going on" look.  the pain became irritating like it was a mosquito bite that needed to be badly itched, but I could do nothing. 

"See!" Mrs. Joanes stood up, "Sandra's leg has been hurt, the pain you feel, Sandra didn't know she just opened her mind to you." 

I tried to talk through gritted teeth, "So that means she was thinking about me?" 

"Well yes, she allowed her mind to to be read by her mate, only a few can do this, and she has been the gift." 

"Gift! More like curse! What the hell are they doing to her!" I groaned in pain. 

I stood up and grabbed Geo's arm, "Let's go tell Richie about this." 

We thanked Mrs. Joanes and I limped past the empty house and through the front door. I left in shock about not just myself and my pain, but about Sandra. Wherever she may be I will find her after this pain stops in my leg. 


Sandra's Perspective

October 11

I winced as I pried my pants off the knife wound on my leg. The fabric stuck on my leg ripping off the scab on my leg. Blood began to drip down my skin and I limped over to the dirty sink in our room and turned on the low pressured water. I splashed the cold water on my cut causing it to sting badly. I was jumping up and down on my other leg singing Happy Birthday to distract myself from the pain. After the pain died down I grabbed the handkerchief that my mother stole from a guard and tied it tight on my thigh so my wound would stop bleeding. 

I turned my pants inside out and washed them in the sink to get as much blood off my only pants. Hell. Hell was the only word to describe this. My stomach screamed in pain at its emptiness and I crossed my arms over my stomach to try to stop the sound that has been repetitive since two days ago. 

After I stabbed Colt in the leg, I was separated from my parents and placed in another room by myself with one sink and a small hole in the wall that showed the only day light I had seen for days. I rung out my pants and hung them on the back of my stiff bed. I flipped on the dim light in my room and sat on my bed feeling the October air create goose bumps on my skin. I shivered without my pants to keep me warm and wrapped myself in the only thin sheet that was in the room. I wanted Cole, wanted his touch, wanted to hear his low voice, wanted to feel like nothing was going to harm me in the world because he was right next me. 

I leaned back against the hard wall and sighed. "Cole if you can hear me, I miss you." I felt a tear fall down my face led by the next tear. I sat, crumbled into a ball in the corner of the bed, feeling exposed and confused. The October wind blew through the small hole in the wall of my room as I shut the dim light off. I could hear a world outside that I couldn't see, but only imagine. 

I closed my eyes and allowed my sub conscience to take over. 

I was running, running freely, running with four legs. I saw another animal next to me, a dog? No, a wolf. It was a beautiful color, a chestnut brown with big, gleaming, brown eyes. I smiled and ran faster into the dark path ahead of me. I trusted on my instincts, allowing my senses to take over. A bright white light was in the shape of a circle in the the black sky. I noticed how it looked so close, but it was probably a million miles away. For once I was free, I felt as though I controlled the world just me planting my flag on the world. 


I wanted to surprise you guys with a chapter that was not on Friday.  Tell me if this part gets any bit confusing, I kind of threw a lot at you guys in one chapter. 

If you liked this chapter vote and comment. Thanks again :P 


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