Chapter Forty

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☙ღ❧ Some Amount of Months Later ☙ღ❧

"Mm mm mm! This is best fuckin' granola bar man. I'm telling you... it's just the fuckin' shit!" Adam closed his eyes, leaning his head back as he moaned with delight the snack he bit into was sending through his taste buds.

He grinned opening his eyes to turn his head slightly; glancing at the red-haired man with a mustache that looked like it was the bottom part of a custodial broom. The man was giving Adam a hard look while keeping his pose of one hand on the large black ear muff of his headphone and the other hand holding down a button on the large keyboard in front of him.

The man blinked hard and turned away continuing to mutter into the tiny microphone that connected to the other ear muff. Adam shrugged off the man's disapproving manner and bit into the granola bar again that he'd hidden in the zipper pocket of his vest. He'd been placed in the SWAT van with the technician since there wasn't really any use for him at the moment.

Adam casually glanced at the monitor that was showing the inside of the bank they were positioned outside of. One of their boys had gotten a tiny, long stemmed camera through the ceiling before retreating from the building, and so now Adam and the technician were able to see the main lobby of the bank where the hostages were being held.

The four bank robbers wearing the typical get up of ski masks and the same colored jackets over black shirts and dark pants were patrolling the lobby and using their guns to point at certain hostages shouting inaudibly at them.

Pursing his mouth, Adam leaned further into his chair. He legs were propped up on the platform where the other keyboards were, much to Mustache Broom's discontentment, and now lifted his left ankle off his right to switch them around. Adam lifted his chin to use a finger to tug at the strap around his neck, grimacing at the tightness.

He chewed with his left cheek full of the M&M-Peanut Butter treat, "These bastards don't have a fuckin' clue what they are doing." Broom Mustache glanced at Adam as he was still speaking into the mike and leaning over the platform in front of him to hold down a few buttons and then typing into the keyboard.

Adam nodded to himself, raising his brows and laughed in a mocking manner when one of the robbers was standing by a closed off room near the end of the lobby. The man was separated from his buddies.

The Granola monster chuckled and shook his head. He was still doing this as he looked down at the bar in his hand, twisting his wrist from side to side to analyze where he'd get more of the colorful candy stuck to its brown chewy part.

"Amateurs..." he muttered, biting into the bar again.

Broom Mustache frowned, pulling the headphones off his head to around his neck and turned in his spinning chair to glare at Adam. He shook his head, barking, "This is just some fuckin' game to you or what, Radcliffe? These are people's lives at stake! And you're sitting here eating your damn candy bar like it's just another day at the office and playing commentator! Don't think that I won't report this to our superior officer! I'll have you know that you are going to be in trouble again and hopefully they'll give Henry a decent partner to work with that won't get him killed!"

Adam raised his brows and his eyelids lowered half-mast, chewing slowly as Broom Mustache was going off with his threat.

This wasn't the first altercation Adam had with this man. The man beside him was transferred from another city and since he'd gotten to the department, Broom Mustache had been annoyed of the way Adam and Nathan went about the missions. But he was more annoyed with Adam's care-free attitude that Broom Mustache was certain was going to cause havoc sometime soon.

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