Chapter Seventeen

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Adam poked his head out his room looking from side to side.

It was Saturday morning and the only ones who would probably be up would be the persons on the first floor. They were always up around four in the morning; having to watch Marshall and all. But Adam knew that the USWAT team was now up since he could already smell the aroma of Jennings' breakfast.

Stepping out of his room, Adam looked over his shoulder and nodded quietly, "Okay... close is--"


After his body jolted from the scare of his name being said, Adam quickly reeled in his lips, eyes wide. Without turning he stretched out his hand into his room in a shoving motion, causing a loud gasp as he slammed his door closed just as the person inside had collided with the floor.

With his arms crossed over his bare chest, Adam raised his brows with his mouth pursed to the side. "Hey Nate... what's up man?" He swallowed, glancing at his door and then moved over to rest his shoulder against the frame to stand between it and Nathan.

Nathan, unaware of Adam's odd behavior, raised his hand and scratched the front of his head. He wore a bothered expression, dropping his hand to his side and looked around before at his friend. He stared, not saying anything first, but then Nathan groaned and covered his face.

"Hey... you alright man? You look a little... I dunno... FLUSTERED."

"Siiiigh, is it THAT obvious?" Nathan asked, tiredly.

His shoulders sulked, and then glanced up at Adam. Adam smiled, nodding in reassurance. He asked Nathan what it was that was bothering him and Nathan responded that it wasn't really that important. Nathan waved his hand carelessly up in the air, shaking his head, "Porcali wants to have a morning meeting before going into the city with Marshall."

"About...?" Adam looked over his shoulder, glancing at the door and then back at Nathan.

"Well..." Nathan kept his eyes averted from his friend and mumbled, "I'm not really sure. He didn't exactly say. According to him, BEN has not uplifted my GROUNDING—as he so fucking calls it—because I'm not UP TO PAR yet."

Adam raised a brow. For being such a leader, Porcali has let Ben call the shots. Adam wondered if maybe it had to with Ben being so fucking old. The guy was a dinosaur. And with Porcali being so RESPECTFUL... it was just a natural behavior to let 'the elder' have the last word. But Adam also knew that Ben was still just worried about Nathan. Ben was ALWAYS worried about Nathan. If Nathan wasn't so damn stubborn, Ben could probably lock the guy in a room like Marshall and never let him out again.

Good ol' cranky bastard, Ben.

Adam glanced over his shoulder again before shifting to place his shoulder better on the frame. "Yeah, I noticed that actually. Maybe if you just ASKED Ben about taking you off time-out, then you'd know more information." Nathan only replied annoyed that HIS orders from the PRESENT superior was to only give Porcali and the team assistance where need be. "I can demand information anytime I want," Nathan pointed out to Adam. "But I just... I guess I don't want to step over Ben and get him all worked up after the last time."

He didn't have to tell Adam what THE LAST TIME was. Adam remembered perfectly.

In urgency to make Nathan go away, Adam feigned a yawn and stretched out his arms, "Welp! I guess I'll being going back to bed. See you in a while." He turned around to open his door but Nathan chuckled, "Whoa, there. Did you NOT hear me say that we have meeting?" He raised a brow when Adam turned around again.

Adam's blue eyes were wide and raised his brows, shaking his head slowly as it leaned forward, "Aaaaaaand yoooou want a fuckin' applause?" Nathan sternly lowered his chin and brow simultaneously at his friend. He pulled his arms up and folded them over his chest which he puffed out further. Adam knew that stance. It was Nathan's 'I-don't-like-to-repeat-myself' pose. And it was probably best for Adam to make Nathan get FURTHER from his room. Not closer.

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