Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Porcali! We're under fire! I repeat, we're under fire!"

Ben's heart almost stopped hearing Sam's shout through the earpiece in his ear. He'd almost collided with the bed of the truck in front of him if it wasn't for him subconsciously knowing to step on the brake pedal.

Nathan was the first he thought of.

He'd already lost Nathan once and that had practically killed Ben in itself. Now it wasn't just Nathan that was being attacked but also Adam, a teenage boy, and sweet darling Mara. That group alone had a place in his heart that had Ben already honking at the truck in front of him to move out of the way.

He needed to turn this bronco around, but the guy in the truck stuck his head out partially and gave a careless wave. Ben stuck his head out shouting for the guy to move but the truck man simply ignored Ben. He'd even gone to the extent of increasing the volume of the music he was listening to.

Rory was observing Ben's desperate demeanor and turned his head beside him to Steven. Steven looked at Rory with his face already paling. Rory rested a hand on the guy's shoulder, nodding with a small smile for Steven to relax. Steven gulped loudly and sat back when Rory forced him.

Turning away from the mayor's son, Rory sat forward sticking his head between the two older men and asked Ben what was going on. Ben was still looking at each of the mirrors trying to figure out how to get out of the small space they were wedged in. Rory could see the beads of sweat forming at his temples and his wide blue eyes looking around eagerly.

"Ben!" Rory shouted sternly, finally catching the man's attention. Ben blinked at Rory like he didn't know he was there at all. But before Rory could ask again what was happening and if there was a way to help, both he and Ben had turned to look at Porcali who was holding up the walkie talking to Carter.

"—need to get them to the same safe house building at our location! I don't care what I said before you do it and do it now!" He glanced, swallowing at the two staring at him and stared forward, frowning as he spoke into the walkie again. "Jennings you need to jump out of that vehicle now and let Carter see through that the others get to the safe house. I need to transfer Marshall into Carter's sedan immediately."

Porcali lowered the walkie looking in the back to see Steven staring back at him with wide eyes. He looked like a helpless child unknowing what to do. Porcali shook his head, "Everything's going to be okay, Mr. Marshall. I need for you, however, to remain...calm... and do exactly as we say. If you do... you will be fine."

Steven nodded and then squeezed his eyes shut, frowning, "Mara! What about Mara?!"

Porcali glanced at Ben who lifted a hand to his face covering his mouth as he shook his head discreetly. Both men knew that between the couple, Steven was the one they needed to hide first. Steven was the one that was being targeted and needed to be taken out of the way before they could do anything for Mara. As much as Porcali liked Mara, the downside of his profession was unfortunately willing to risk the distraction if it meant to keep Steven out of harm's way.

Rory had sat back when Porcali first looked in the back at Steven, and was now too worried about Mara. He had a feeling that whoever it was that was attacking them had thought perhaps that Steven was in the car and now Mara was being mistaken for someone. But it didn't make sense to Rory. The attackers would know what Steven looked like—and that he was male. So why would they attack the wrong car?

Steven sat up, clutching the ends of both the driver and passenger headrest, and looked at Ben, hoping he was more reasonable between the two. "Please! We have to go back for her! I know that you don't think I care about her but I do! I love Mara with everything that I have! Please go back for her!" His brown eyes widened more with the way his voice cracked.

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