Chapter Ninteen

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Tessa sat down reading a book. She would have found it very interesting if she wasn't so worried about everything. However she was looking at a page that was titled, "Types of wizards/witches." Underneath were four bold headings, ICE, FIRE, WIND and LIGHTENING. Under each of them was a small description.

Tessa read the heading ICE first.
Wizards/witches who have ice power are usually calm and cool in character, although there is always exceptions. Ice is a powerful power but sometimes is hard to congure if the person isn't calm enough. This can be a big disadvantage to the wizard/witch.

FIRE was the second heading in the book. Wizards/witches who have fire power tend to be people who get angry easily. Fire is a powerful power and if the wizard/witch build up too much anger they may not be able to control it.

Then after fire was WIND. Underneath was writtin, wizards/witches who have wind power are very similiar in character to wizards/witches with ice power. They are very calm and collected, however wind can be a much more powerful power compared to ice.

Lastly LIGHTENING was writtin in bold at the end of the page. Lightening is the most powerful power out of the four. Wizards/witches who have lightening power generally have very strong personalities. They are usually highly intelligent. Lightening is the rarest of all the powers.

Jane had given her this book and she told Tessa, that she would explain things better when everything was over. However Tessa didn't see how everything was going to work out.

Karina had come in then. She had looked like nothing had happened to her and when Tessa had asked was she okay, she had brushed it aside. She then left with Sylvie and Jane and told Tessa to stay there.

Tessa and her grandfather had been sitting, waiting for hours in silence. She didn't know what to say to him and he obviously seemed to be the same. After a while, Jane strode into the room.

'Tessa come with me' she said. Tessa felt like there was butterflies in her stomach, as she left the room with Jane. She didn't know why but she felt very nervous. Jane strode into a bright narrow room.

There were rows of beds, but there was no one occuping the beds except for one. Tessa looked at the person lying in the bed and let out a gasp, she then looked over at who was sitting beside the bed.

She looked into her father's eyes and shouted in delight. 'Dad!' Her father looked up in shock. When he saw her face his face quickly turned to happiness. He got up and ran towards her. All Tessa's worries went away as she hugged her father, but as she pulled away the worries came flooding back, when she saw Charlie lying in the bed.

'What happened to her?' she demanded. 'The Skylords' said Karina like what she said was enough. 'But she's not a witch is she?' said Tessa panicking. 'Look at her eyes carefully Tessa.' Tessa looked over and the minute she saw the color of her eyes she remembered that, Charlie had a bit of blue in her eyes. Did that mean she was going to be okay?

Karina went on, 'we will have to give her the potion or she will evantually begin to worship the Skylord's again. 'Well can we do it now?' asked Tessa. 'She needs rest or it won't work' Karina said calmly.

'Okay' Tessa said as calm as possible. 'But we have to save Noah.' Karina smiled confidently, 'that's exactly what we were going to do.'

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