Chapter Nine

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Tessa opened her eyes and tried to focus on her surroundings, she was sitting in a single bed, in a spacious room. She looked out the window and outside was a grey day. There wasn't any pictures up on the walls and the room almost looked like a hotel room, just having the bare necessities. It lacked character and while Tessa sat up on the bed she really missed her old room in her own home. She started to think of her mother at home alone and wondering if she even noticed that her daughter had disappeared.

Yesterday Tessa hadn't protested when Katrina hadn't told her anything, but now she wanted answers as to what was going on. She was determined to find out what was happening.

The door was opened and Katrina appeared at the doorway. 'Ah you're awake' she announced. She wasted no time and pointed towards the end of the bed. 'There's some spare clothes for you. I'll wait for you outside the door.'

She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, before Tessa could reply. She quickly changed into a black hoodie, black jeans and grey ankle length boots. This was definitely not what she would normally wear, especially not the color. But surprisingly they fitted Tessa perfectly. They must have a lot of people staying here she thought to herself.

Tessa opened the door, where Katrina was waiting for her. She gestured Tessa to follow. Katrina led her into the room that they had been in yesterday, when they had arrived. There were two people sitting down on armchairs, a man and a woman. The woman had a book resting on her lap and her blue eyes were looking at Tessa intently. She had brown hair pulled up into a ponytail which was falling down to her hips. Even though she was sitting, Tessa could tell she was very petite. The man next to her must have been her sibling. However the man was about twice the height of the woman. But he did have the same shade of brown short hair as her, he also had blue eyes, but he wasn't paying much attention to Tessa, unlike his sister. He didn't even seem to realize that Tessa was in the same room. The two siblings wore completely black clothes and Tessa began to wonder did these people have any other color clothes at all.

Katrina sat down on a wooden chair, next to the man and the woman, while Tessa sat down on a couch next to her. Katrina placed her hands on her lap and started the conversation. 'This is Tessa Jones' she introduced. The woman smiled at her warmly 'hello Tessa' she said. The man nodded at her, still clearly paying little attention to her, which Tessa didn't really mind. She never liked being the center of attention anyway and these last few days, you could say she had been. The woman spoke 'my name is Jane and this is my brother Sylvie,' she said indicating towards her brother. Sylvie began to pay more attention to her.

He sat up and looked at Tessa suspiciously, closely examining her face. Tessa began to feel uncomfortable and she could feel her face reddening. Then he said something Tessa did not expect him to say at all. 'Those eyes don't look blue to me' he said, looking stubborn. Katrina answered him 'Well you must be color blind if you think her eyes are any other color.' She crossed her arms and glared at him and Tessa felt tension building up in the room. Tessa felt like this wasn't the first time she glared at the man. Jane frowned at her brother, 'don't mind him' she said trying to calm things down a little. 'He just finds it hard to trust people as easily as we do' she said. Sylvie muttered something like 'Well, maybe that's better' , but Jane either didn't hear him or ignored him.

Tessa just nodded, looking totally perplexed. 'I'm sorry this must be confusing for you' Jane apologised. Finally they understand me thought Tessa to herself. How did they not pick up on it before? 'Yes it is' she said trying her best to sound polite, but deep down she was growing frustrated. But who could blame her? 'Why blue eyes?' she asked. Sylvie answered impatiently 'because all witches and wizards have blue eyes.' Tessa didn't know why but she thought of her grandfather, just because he had blue eyes. That didn't matter right now, what was important was finding out as much as she could. Katrina broke the silence 'do your parents have blue eyes?' 'No they don't' Tessa answered and again thought about her grandfather and whether she should reveal things about her family to them or not. However, she decided she would, as she had begun to trust these people even though she hadn't known them very long. She knew she belonged with them.

'My grandfather had blue eyes, but he died before I was born' she said. Katrina sat up a little in her chair 'What was your grandfather's name?' she asked. 'Arthur Jones' she replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable about this topic.

There was a long silence and the three adults shared a look between each other. Tessa was dying to know what they were obviously keeping from her. 'What?' she demanded. The three adults looked at Tessa as if being knocked out of a daze. Surprisingly it was Sylvie who spoke up 'your grandfather....' he paused, 'he's alive, your grandfather's alive....'

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