Chapter Eight

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Alec opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by darkness. He was bewildered for a moment and didn't realize where he was. But once his stomach rumbled and his head started throbbing with a headache, he realized where he was. He looked around the dark room and saw the outline of a figure in front of him. Charlie.

Once he saw Charlie all memories of the day before came painfully back to him. He began to think of his daughter Tessa who was the same age as Charlie, thirteen. He missed his daughter and his wife Molly. He couldn't believe how Tessa had stood up to the leader like that and he was both proud and ashamed of his daughter. He knew that was weird but he had mixed feelings about the whole situation.

He looked over at Charlie. 'Charlie?' 'Ya?' she asked sounding wide awake. 'Are you alright?' Charlie moved a little in her spot 'ya sure great' she said unhappily. 'I hope we get out of here soon' she said hopefully. Just as Alec was about to reply a hoarse voice came from nearby. 'You'll get out all right' it said. It sounded like a man and the voice for some reason made Charlie shiver. She didn't like the fact that she couldn't see who was talking. Fear of the unknown really she thought to herself.  Finally Alec got the courage to ask what Charlie herself was thinking. 'Who's there?' he said sounding curious.

For a moment Alec thought it had been a Skylord who had spoken and he was beginning to regret what he said. But then eventually the same husky voice answered back 'My name doesn't matter but what does matter is that, I'm in the same situation as you too' he said sounding grumpy. Charlie remembered what he had said earlier 'so how do you know we'll get out?' she asked. The man sounded like he was pacing around the place 'Well as you can imagine, you hear a lot of things when you've been here for over a week.' I've heard people being taken out and believe me when I say that its better to stay here. I just have a bad feeling about this.'

Charlie tried to take all of this in. She couldn't imagine being here for a day longer, but felt that getting out wasn't going to be pretty either. Still she sighed in frustration and felt like punching the wall. Not that she could see it anyway.

There was the sound of a shout and Charlie thought it was the man they had been talking to but realized the sound had been further away from them. 'Another victim' said the man gravely. There was another shout and a loud deep voice, one that all of them recognized as a Skylord. 'Come on, move it' the Skylord said in a rough voice. There was the sound of a door opening and banging shut and they heard the Skylord talking again. 'You'll never disobey us once you drink this' and then they heard a loud laugh echoing through the room. 

 Charlie got the feeling that she didn't mind being stuck in here for the rest of her life, rather then getting out of here into the unknown. 

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