Start from the beginning

" but Navya is already engaged with Cabir..Right??" Manik asked confused.

"True!!" Dad answered " we know our deal didn't go as we planned because Navya started to date Cabir. It again concerned us about our deal that's why we were not approving Navya to date Cabir that's why I was against even after knowing everything about Cabir and that was quite selfish..."

"But two years ago you all of a sudden agreed and announced about their engagement?" I finally asked when my confusion has no limits.

"That's because you and Manik started to date each other solving our problems." Suyash uncle replied with a smile.

"You mean.." Manik dragged with serious frown on his face.

"Yes!! This arrangement is now settled about your marriage to Nandini" Suyyash uncle confirmed his doubt.

And listening this news my heart did Summersaults in happiness. I mean I always dreamt me and Manik in future as husband and wife having our own family but I always was insecure about it becoming reality but right now everything seems real.

"But.. I don't.. I mean my marriage" manik stuttered he have horrified expression on his face which stringed my heart a bit.

Doesn't he want to marry me??!

"Yes your marriage with Nandini" his dad answered him again in confusion.

"But dad I don't want." He retorted back breaking my heart and I felt like crying thinking my fears are true he doesn't want me.

"What do you mean you don't want? Are you playing with my daughter and have no intention to fulfil what u started" my dad growls furiously at Manik.

"God uncle!! Its not like that. It just I never think about it and you all suddenly came with this news. I am atleast not ready now." Manik told them clearly but his answer still may be not good but it relieved me.

"Then when Manik?" This time Nyo aunt asked."you are already going to be 27 next week?"

"But mom I still have many things to accomplish." He whinned.

"Well!! I think the same because my daughter hardly crossed 20 and she is young as well." My dad jumped between them. "So we decided to settle with their engagement on Manik's birthday next week." And again room filled with gasp and again I wanted to do a happy dance.

"This isn't so soon. I mean we are not sure about our marriage and advance engagement?" Manik again interrupted my happy thoughts.

What the hell he want..???

"Manik its just engagement and you have to obey it because your grandfather(maternal) think its time to enthrone his position and responsibility as Duke to you. He want to announce you as New ' Duke of Ayutthaya' on your birthday and he think if you have a woman by your side at that time, it will be more easy for the people of Thailand as a responsible Duke." Manik dad stated each and every word carefully. My and Navy's mouth hanging open with new found information.

Manik is a DUKE..

How is that possible??

"Holdon..!! Hold on..!! Manik.. A Duke??" I asked baffled. Manik and his dad changed a look.

I mean what the hell day is today..

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