^I got tagged^

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I was tagged by: Thegirlwholoveslevi

So I'll do fifteen things about myself, if you guys have anything you'd like to ask me please do comment |below| 

1.  Favorite Colour? Black (but people class that as a shade) so a mixture between: Moss Green, Crimson Red and Royal Blue.

2. Hair Colour and Style? My hair is long, straight. It has on the right of me - a one sided undercut, the colour of it being Raven.

3. Eye Colour? Depends. In sun light can be confused for green but majority of the time being a stormy blue-grey.

4. Favorite Food? Hard one. Love raspberry's and strawberry's. Can't forget the chocolate.

5. Hobbies? Running. Writing and Reading. 

6. Sexuality? I am Demisexual 

(Demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. It's more commonly seen in but by no means confined to romantic relationships. The term demisexual comes from the orientation being "halfway between" sexual and asexual)

7. Gender? I am Gender-fluid. 

(Gender-fluid is a gender identity which refers to a gender which varies over time. A gender fluid person may at any time identify as male, female, neutrois, or any other non-binary identity, or some combination of identities)

8. Favorite Book? The False Prince, The Runaway King and The Shadow Throne - all by Jennifer A. Nielsen.

9. Favorite Singer? My favorite singer always changes. Right now it's Halsey.

10. School? Right now I am in college.

11. Age?  // - I don't say my age, but... if anyone has a guessed age for me I'd love to know how old you think I am?! <<

12. Pets? So many pets have died but right now I've got; Four Cats - Ginger, Twilight, Poker and Bailey. Two Dogs - Woody and Stella, and a ton of fish.

13. How many siblings do I have? I have: 1 - real brother, Jake (aged 22), 1 - half-brother, Jayden (aged 4) and 3 step-sisters, Jessica - Natalie - Chelsea (aged, 21, 20, 15)

14. Favorite place to be? In my home town there's a huge hill I love to go up called Hill's of Hollows but there's also a small town, which for safety reason's - I will not name.

15. About me? >>
I'm numb. I show no emotion, only a rare smile towards my family. I don't go outside, only recently did I go out with some of my family from Tottenham that I have some colour to me. 

I've been through a lot of crap, that's of no importance though. I don't socialize, my only friend is my Step-Sister, I'm proud of that. 

I've dated only three other people, two from when I was what? nine, ten? The last person vanishing off the face of the Earth along with all my so-called 'friends'.

Myself still looking for that right person for me that I can call a friend and someone where I can hear a 'I love you' from.
Apart from that... nothing.

Again, if you have any questions, they will be answered truthfully in whether or not I'll answer it or not and my reasoning for why.

- I wrote this part out when I was extremely depressed. This is me no more so just ignore it; I feel like an utter idiot for putting that, I'll delete it within the next chance I get :P

~ Rae

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