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~ Eren's POV ~

Warmth was all I felt at the moment and I didn't want it to leave, well it didn't seem like I had to which made me curious. I forcefully open my eye's, shuffling my head to look upward as they widen to see the one and only Levi Ackerman, the school's most popular boy, snuggled up with me, my head resting on his rising and falling chest. 

My whole body ached and my head began pounding, feeling like it was about to burst at any second, my teeth gritting to the feeling . 

Levi must of noticed this as he began stirring beneath me, his arms tightening his grip around my waist as he does so. 

One of his hands were on my waist while the other on my neck, his thumb rubbing my cheek soothingly. Shutting my eyes and slowing my breathing, which was speeding up every time he moved I heard him give off a small groan, tensing when he must have noticed the position we was in and pulled away, snaking from my grip. I had to bite my lip, holding back a whimper of disappointment.

So cold.

"Tch... brat" Was all he'd said, another thing inaudible  from his mouth, his breathe sounding like he was about the whisper out more until a knock at the door was heard "What!" He sounded pissed.

"It's Hanji and Erwin!" A girl squealed, her fist still at the door.

I heard him grunt and tiredly stand up before pulling warm, thick cover's other my chest, tucking me in carefully. His footsteps walked off into the distance, the creak of a door opening and carefully being shut as more footsteps were heard coming over to me.

"How is he?" A man asked who I'd believe is Erwin.

"Seem's fine" Was Levi's reply as I felt the floor board's move beneath me showing my they had sat down around me.

"Has he woke?" The girl, Hanji asked.

"No not yet"

"Why don't we wake him?" The girls voiced sounded excited but at the same time quite frightening. "Can we?" She asked as I felt her finger poke my cheek, myself  letting off a groan and moved slightly acting as if I really was asleep but at the same time because it was irritating "C'mon Levy, let's wake 'em!"

A sigh escaped Levi's mouth, some more shuffling heard coming towards me.

"Fine but first-" A cough can from I don't know who, I'm guessing Levi though because he'd stopped mid-sentence  "Erwin get some water will yer?"

"Sure" Within seconds I heard a cup being placed on the wooden floor board's. "Got it"

"Go for it" The man said, his weight off the floor being lifted and his elephant feet stomping off to another room where I clatters of cups are heard, then running water and then his footsteps heading back "'ere you are"

The minute those words escaped Levi's mouth I was viciously shook by who else, Hanji. I pretend to tiredly open my eye's seeing a brunette girl smiling creepily in my face. She didn't seem to care my fright towards her, but just began... laughing?

"Hanji you're gonna freak 'em out" Erwin spoke.

Hanji wore big circular black glasses that made her hazel eyes look bigger then what there suppose to be. She had black leggings with a yellow short sleeved shirt on with her long brown hair tied back.

Erwin had short blond hair but with massive brown eyebrows which nearly covered his sky blue eyes. He had on a white and blue striped shirt with navy blue jean's. 

Though Levi, he was perfect. He had a white long sleeved shirt which was a bit wrinkled where he had been laying with it on, with grey, near enough black, jeans. His skin was terribly pale as if he'd never seen the sun but that brought out his blue mixed with grey eye's. He had a undercut with parts of his raven hair just about hung over his ear's. His face was emotionless when he stared right through me.

"Oh yer we're sorry my name's Hanji this is Erwin" She says throwing an arm around Erwin's shoulders "And this shorty i-" But before Hanji could finish introducing herself the pillow in which I was once lying on hit her right smack-bam in her face making her fall backwards bringing Erwin down with her.

"Ouch thanks Levi!" Erwin whined rubbing the back of his head while sitting himself back up.

"Anyhow, this is Levi" She says laughing with a big grin on her face. "So Eren, right?" I nod "How comes we never see you in school? Like your in all are classes though I've never heard of you nor seen you before whys that?"

I shuffle around trying to get more comfortable only to pull at one of my wound's making me give a little yelp in pain. Levi reached over passing me a glass of water and I took it gratefully gulping it down as if I hadn't drink in age's. Now I think of it I haven't had a drink in ages nor eaten, I'm starving. Just as I was thinking about food I noticed my stomach agreed with me making a horrid noise. Looking down in embarrassment, laughing is heard from Erwin and Hanji but a sigh from Levi. I should really go home, I'm such a burden.

"Thank you for everything I appreciate all you've done" I spoke my throat husty.

"Any time" Came from Hanji.

"I-I should really get going" I say standing up wobbling side to side, one hand out forward's trying to reach for something to lean on and the other on my head where my stomach. My eyesight becomes blurred and the room starts spinning.

"Hey!" Levi? "You're not going anywhere like that"

"No-no I'm fine I should get back"

"What's the rush?" I tried thinking, why am I in a rush? There no one waiting for me - think stupid think! They don't no that, make up a lie.

"Oh... my parent's are probably worried" Levi shakes his head.  Why? Is he mad at me? 

- Edited (Word Count: 1031)

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