Alone at last

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~ Eren's POV ~

I'm so grateful for what all those people had done for me and I couldn't be more happier. As I slip into my 'house' I wait until their car engine disappears into the distance, myself sighing in relief of being alone. Again. 

My head is killing me and I think I might out fractured my right arm but right now I can't afford to get hospital treatment let alone get money to feed myself. 

Strolling past an empty room, my front room that is, I headed towards my bedroom. I had no curtains nor carpets but I have shelter and just enough food so I'm fine. 

Slipping off my clothes in which Levi seemed to have put on me. I'll give him them back next time I see him I got changed into some black jogging bottoms and a plain grey shirt which I brought when there was a boot-sale down the road once. Yawn I lay down on the floor - my bed - and wrapped a blanket which was also from the boot-sale over my tired body. 

Alone at last I thought as I shut my eye's.

- Editing (Word Count: 234)

A/N: Again short sorry. I never really went back through these chapters when I first put them up so I'm so sorry to all the viewers, I really didn't know this book was this shit! Sorry!

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