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~ Levi's POV ~

Do I believe him? No

Is he telling the truth? Of course not, not with all the stuttering - that's for sure.

Am I going to bring him up on it? I don't know.

I don't quite understand the brat but for what-ever reason behind the way I'm feeling at this minute all I want to do is make him happy, so I showed him I believed.

Sitting myself on the sofa, glass of water in one hand and remote control in the other, I wait for the brat to finish cleaning himself up.

He reappeared in the matter of eight minutes stood, cheeks tinted red, staring down at the floor standing under the kitchen door frame. 

Twiddling with his thumbs he doesn't give me eye contact as I notice what he's wearing making my own cheeks turn red. With plain black boxes on coming just above his knees, my white shirt a bit baggy for him seeing as how skinny he is, along with a pair of new white slip on slippers.

"Um.." I click my tongue and lean forwards placing my glass of water onto the coffee table I use my now free hand to pat the pillow besides me motioning for him to sit, which he does. "Thanks" He mutters.

I nod before turning on the t.v where I pull on a list of movies for us to watch.

"What yer like?" I ask pointing the remote at the t.v. "You pick"

Eren, reading through the list, looks back at me and then looks back down at his hands.

"I.." He trails off, leaving me to raise an eyebrow telling him to carry on "I've only actually watched 'holes' from a school exam" Confused I nod as he carries on "We had to read the book when I was little and for a treat at the end of the test, well we got to watch it"


"I've never watched anything else-"

"Hu?" Shocked I turn, now facing him, and lean an elbow back on to the back of the chair, head resting in hand, balanced by elbow.

"Well" He looks around him until his eyes reach mine "I can't remember life so well from when I was young and I couldn't afforded and..." He scratches his neck "I-I don't know any of these" He says index's finger pointing at the t.v hanging off the wall before us.

"Tch. It's fine just means it's a newish experience" Coughing I re-point at the t.v "So what do you like the look of?"

"Umm. I don't know" A smile reached his lips as he nudges me, me holding in a growl "You pick, please?"

"Brat" I say clicking on the first thing I land on, laughing at myself when it lands on a horror.

"What? What is it? Why you laughing-"

"You'll see" I say smirking and leaning back in my chair "Enjoy" Know he was at the edge of the seat staring at the t.v in excitement. "Poor brat" I say eyeing his skinniness and unhealthy look. 

"Hum?" He asks not looking away from the screen as I shake my head, to this he carries on watching the movie.

The movie was amusing, that was true. Who would've thought the brat was such a scared cat - I could.

With ever jump scene Eren would jump back in his seat, now near the end he's hiding his face into my shoulder. Don't ask how he got there.

I left him on my shoulder as I saw him peek through his fingers now and then only to jump when he another jump part came. 

He began yawning just in time with the movie coming to an end the credits credits soon coming through he didn't move from my shoulder.


"Hum?" He replied tiredly.

"You can go sleep now" he shuffling around slightly so hes now laying his head on my lap, eyes shut. "Oi" I shout, attempting to shaking him wake "Not here!" But it was too late small, cute snores escaped his lips "Brat"

Taking a stand, careful to not wake him, I lift him up bridal style and walk to my bedroom where I tuck him up. Before leaving I check he's sleeping fine, to which he is, and leave, a blanket and pillow in hand, over to the front room's sofa.  

- Edited (Word Count: 734)

Eren's messed up life (Levi x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now