"Real home?"

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~ Eren's POV ~

Hands, so many hands roaming around placing where they shouldn't be. My mind slips in and out of consciousness as their voice's echo on through me.

This was my choice and my choice only so nothing can be done about that. No, I don't do it because I like it, not at all, I hate it. But I don't really have any other way to survive.

"The world is a cruel place but it is also beautiful"

My sister once said to me though I know lie's when I hear one and with being here it truly is.

Their horrid, haunting voice's rush through me along with other things I wish would end as all smiling faces disappear into a black mist.

My body, once tense, relaxes as numbness runs all over me, a smile reaches my lips as my heavy eyes do what they do best, and close blocking all thing's I wish not to see fade away.


~ Levi's POV ~

My hand's now in fist's, I pace back and forth through Eren's so-called 'Front room', teeth gritted tightly.

A sigh comes from Erwin who's sat on the floor beside Hanji. "Maybe they were relatives?"

"True that does make more sense" I mentally slap myself and glare down at Hanji.

"Do you not remember his school report" I shout out making both flinch "His parent's are gone, sister dead and any other 'so-called'" I make my fingers into speech marks "Family either don't know who he is or doesn't want to know him-"

"Maybe they changed their minds?" Hanji states, now standing "You're threatening over nothing, who's to say they weren't his friends?"

I growl at Hanji "I don't care who the fuck they are!"

"Then why the heck are we even 'ere?" Erwin asks bringing himself to his feet, hands on hips making himself look sassy. "Now don't tell me the 'cold-hearted Levi' is warming up to someone"

"Shut it! That brat means naught to me so don't go saying things that aren't true"

"Now, now Levi there's no other reasonable explanation for being here so-"

Erwin was cut off his speech by a car pulling up outside Eren's house, it's wheel's scratching along the road - sure to leave marks. Out of curiosity we made our way into the kitchen where we stood side by side at the kitchen window to see what the commotion was and what I saw would haunt me in my dreams.

The back side door of the car was kicked open along with a bloody, beaten boy who fell onto the side-path. Yelling came from the car yet all windows were blacked out making us unable to see through them but they were loud enough for us to hear.

"I-I'm sorry" Eren apologised, hands in the air as if protecting himself, on his knees "I won't. I'll do better"

"Think yourself lucky boy, don't fuck up next time you piece of shit" A gasp came from Hanji and Erwin's mouth hung wide open "I be here in the matter of four day's don't be late"

"Ye-yes sir" With Eren still on his knees the car sped off door the road leaving him on the dirt. My chest clenched at the sight as he hobbled towards the house in which me, Hanji and Erwin were stood in, in total shock. "Shit I forgot to lock up" Eren muttered to himself as we heard the front door open and close.

We all tensed up when he sensed someone's presence and searched around the house where he stopped wide eyes, with the one eye that wasn't purple and swollen, staring over at us in shock. 

His clothes looked as if they had been tore apart as sweat, blood and bruises were all over his face. You could tell from the minute he entered the kitchen he'd been in a fight and badly beaten up but being this beaten up was just itself; fucked up.

"Y-y-you" He took a wobbly step back "What are you, no you shouldn't, no" His eyes scanned all of us but ended up stopping right at mine.

"Eren?" I questioned "Where have you been?"

Eren, gulping, looked away "Nowhere that concerns you" His voice was dry and raspy like he hadn't had a drink in ages "How?"

Hanji answers; "We saw you getting taken away and took it upon ourselves to wait here for you, seeing as you didn't lock the door" Walking up to him the still frozen on the spot Eren, Hanji reached out for him "You need these treated"

Reaching out to touch him he jumps, squealing as he does, and falls to the ground.

"Do-don't touch me!" He yells shakily hopping to his feet before stepping even further back from the sad looking Hanji. "Get away! Get out my house! Leave!"

I sigh along with Erwin as we see this going nowhere as I walk up to Hanji placing a firm hand on her shoulder.

"He doesn't seem to be in his right mind at the moment"

"Then what are we going to do, Levi? We can't just leave him hear like that, look at him" Her worried face turns into a frown "No Levi, I will not leave him, not like this!"

Shaking my head I look back over at the horrified looking Eren "Eren you need to calm do-"

"No!" He shouts "Get out...out..out of my house" His words began sloppy like as I see him struggling to keep his focus.

Reaching out I placed a hand on his,trembling shoulder as tears slipped his swallow eyes.

"Eren it's okay now, tell me what happ-"

Just then all time stopped, him squirming beneath my grip screamed till all air left his lungs. His breathing sped up with each step I took towards him until he went into a full on panic attack at my touch. Tear's consuming his bruised face he was no longer able to catch his breath as he gasped for what little air he could receive.

"N-no do-don't touch me" With them word's his body gave him no choice but for me to touch him as he fell directly into me, his face hanging over my shoulder, nose in the crook of my neck. "Levi.."

His breath hitting my neck bring shivers down my spine his body slouched down on me, his full weight, no weight at that, on me.

"Levi, is-is he okay?" Hanji called to me as I picked up the unconscious boy bridal style, his head and body shuffling closer to my warmth. "What are you planning on doing with him?"

"Well he's not staying in this shit-hole if that's what you mean" I yell in a sort of whisper "Erwin call a cab were taking him back to his real home"

"Real home?" Erwin says tapping away at his phone.

"Yes, his real home. My home"  

- Edited (Word Count: 1157)

Eren's messed up life (Levi x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now