"I promise"

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 ~ Eren's POV ~

Deep breathing was heard besides me as something cold and damp pressed itself against my forehead, me flinching as I touched me. "It's OK Eren it's just a flannel"

His voice was calming, overpowering as the flannel brushed across my bruised cheek making me let off a whimper. The flannel stop's there, where I whimpered, and strokes it but not with the cold flannel but a warm hand.

"What happened Eren?" He asks, me not responding by keeping both my eyes and mouth shut "Who did this?" Again I don't answer.

A sigh comes from their lips as they remove their hand, my eye's slowly opening in search of the hand. As the blurriness of my sight fade's away enabling me to see properly I'm met with a Levi, kneeled at my side.

"L-Levi?" My voice croaked out as my eye's move from him to my surroundings. "Wh-Where am I?"

"You're at my hous-" He paused there as my head turns to it's side to look back at him "You're home Eren"

"But this isn't my house?" My voice was more as question then fact as I began questioning my own knowledge.

"It is now" He says, not looking me in the eye, but grabbing the flannel and leaning towards me with it. "You look like shit" He states.

"C-could say the same to you" I reply, my cockiness getting me nowhere as he roughly scrub my cheek, my giving out a cry in pain.

"Tch" He looked away "You deserved that" I let out a breathless laugh catching him off guard as he stares down at me in shock.

"Yeah, guess I do" His cheeks tint pink at ym laugh but return to it's normal, pale, self when our eyes fall upon one another.

We stared at each other for who know's who long? But I was fixed in them. His silvery-grey eye's mixed with a royal blue washed away any pain I was feeling at the time as our eyes stayed locked to one another until he broke it with an awkward cough.

Quickly standing up, he steps back saying; "Well seeing as you're awake, how about a bath?" My mouth opened into an 'O' shape only to re-close them as he quickly added, "Actually no that isn't a question, that is an order" He places his hands on his hips, tilting sideways looking me over "You're filthy, no change that...disgusting"

Even though I knew his words were true they still hurt coming from him as my mouth stayed shut, eye's looking anywhere but him.

"So.." I look up at him "You gonna get up or stay there like a sad-sack all day?"

His mood swings were hard to keep up with, with one minute being nice and showing kindness to then being snappy and blank.

Jumping at his harsh voice I did what he 'ordered' and, fist clenched and teeth gritted, sat up. My back burned, legs feeling weak with my body aching I struggled to my feet.

Him walking ahead looked back on my now and then either out of worry, irritation for my slowness or showing me the way, I don't know, but I limped on forwards anyhow.

"OK" Entering the shining clean bathroom he stopped before the shower "Shampoo is here. Conditioner here" He pointed to each bottle "Now you move it left for cold, right for warm. Any other bottom's" He shook his head "Don't worry about them, they don't need to be messed with, understood?" I nod "Right I'm in the room opposite if you need me, call. I'll be back with a towel and clothes, so just get yourself ready while I get them sorted"

Nodding again he turned and walked out leaving me in a lost, unbalanced state and I placed on hand on the wall to leave on. 

They sure did do a number on me this time. 

Eren's messed up life (Levi x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now