"And I love him!"

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~ Levi's POV ~

"Ekk! They actually came! Guys! Guys! Check out who's just turned up!" The squealing, over excited Hanji bombarded through the small crowd of people sat around in Petra's front room shouting to them of our arrival. 

"There's drink in the fridge so help yourself!" Petra called out to us before turning back around on the sofa and getting into deep conversation with the, smiling Cheshire cat, Hanji.

Eren trailing behind me, head down at all times, to the kitchen I pulled open the fridge scanning thru "Is there anything you'd like?" I ask Eren who joins me in the search of the full up fridge.

"Umm...Well is it alright if I.." Standing back up he scratched the back of his neck giving off a cute smile "Some water? Please?"

"Sure, like Petra said help yourself" Though he still stood there, eyes a beaming bead of blue watching me with ever movement I make. "Water it is then" I sigh noticing that he wasn't actually going to 'help himself'. So shutting the fridge, before hand pulling out a can of pop for myself, filled him a glass full of cold water "Here we are, enjoy brat"

Mumbling out a "thanks" I started past him in to the room of gossiping teens. 

On the sofa to my right sat Hanji who's seemed to be screaming out her whole life story to Petra and the nail picking Annie on the floor by Petra's feet flicking boredly through her phone. 

Some stood, and other laid out on the floor in deep conversation was the others from school; Bertolt, Reiner who were flirting with Krista who was being protectively held back by Ymir. Jean, Marco also in deep conversation but Jean's eyes watching over Annie for security. 

Sasha and Connie were held up kneeling besides the none going fireplace with a blow of popcorn and Doritos, feeding one another. 

"Hey Levi over here!" As if he'd read my mind for who I was searching for I saw Erwin and Isabel sat around a small coffee table at the other side of the room. "Didn't think you'd come" He tells me truthfully.

"Me neither-" I reply back with "-but shitty glasses wouldn't leave me alone otherwise and the brat was actually tryna persuade me"

"Oh right" He says just noticing the hiding Eren behind me "whats up Eren?" Eren looking up and giving Erwin a shy smile slide closer to me "So how's it been? You didn't actually come to school today"

"School? School's wasn't on today" Isabel burst out laughing frightening me half to death as Eren lightly tugged on my shirt to bring his mouth to my ear.

"It's Tuesday today Levi, school started two day's ago" He whispered into my ear before moving back into his shy, quiet position.

"Well fuck me, thanks for telling us" I groan "Oi! Petra" I yelled out to her, the full blast music turning ever so slightly down while Petra pokes her head over to couch to look at me "Whats with the party anyway?"

Biting her lips, a blush visible on her cheeks she shuffles to turn her head all the way to look at me "I-I thought it'd be good, while my families out of town for a bit, that we could you know...get a get together"

"More like have a reason to see Levi again" Some snickered behind her, her growling at whoever it was but not denying herself.

"Whatever" Is all I say turning back around to Erwin and Isabel "So was Farlan not invited?"

"Oh he was" She tells me "but he's gone out with that person he met at the cafe way back. Ends up the man he met, Collin, had a lot in common with Farlan and thing's went else where that we you can guess the rest" She shrugs at the last bit.

"So you're telling me Farlan, our Farlan is actually gay?" I snort out in disbelief.

"Does that both you Levi?" Isabel questions, me forgetting to tell her, no, not telling her I was gay myself. 

But at that time I didn't have to explain myself when a horse decided to leave him stables and stroll over to us. "Well boys, looks like we didn't do a good job with the fag after all!" Jean calls out to the laughing boys planting there drinks down and joining up behind him, facing Eren and me. 

"Tch. What the fuck do you want horse?" I scoff out folding my arms "Fag you say?" I narrow my eyes at him "Aren't you the one playing with Marco?"

This caught Annie's attention who accidentally kicked over her drink when jumping to her feet "What?!"

"Shut the fuck up Ackerman! Your daddy's not here to protect you right now is he?" He taunts holding out a hand to Annie who eyes it suspiciously "Don't listen to him babe, he's just a trying to find away to get out the position he is, look at him pathetic, protecting someone who couldn't even protect anyone he loved, sad isn't it who someone can lose all the ones who loved him to have no one?" 

Eren, lips quivering, stepped back only to stop when I leaned out and grabbed his hand "No, he hasn't lost everyone he loves" I snap back "Because I'm still here!"I held in an angry breath "And I love him!"

Silence took up the room, the music which was once on being turned off, Eren's hand trembling my own as I give it a reassuring squeeze. "Levi?..." Erwin quietly said eyeing us both, hand in hand, Isabel smiling with a squealing Hanji now at her side.

"Well boys!" Jean called out "Looks like we've got two of the price of one" He says smirking, cracking his knuckles as the boys being circling us. 

Reiner was behind Eren blocking the front door exit, Jean before me with the observing Annie and Marco while Bertolt stood ready to rugby tackle anyone who tried to escape. But I wasn't planning on escaping, oh no, I was going to show them the time of their life. 

I was going to show them what really happens to people who hurt and playing with the things I love.

Erwin standing strong besides me let out a sigh "So  looks like some people aren't going to make it to school tomorrow" He says cockily "So..who's first?"

"Guys you don't have to-" Though Jean didn't give Sasha the time to butt in from her mouthful of food when he pounced out at Eren getting an elbow to the face from me "shit dude that must of hurt!" she cringed as if it happened to herself. 

"Fuckers!" was the only words which came from Bertolt as he jumped out at us, no one in particular together both me and Erwin moving in sync to bring a fist to his face which let out a painfully loud crack, Bertolt falling back unconscious.

Jean had come back, fums forming out of his ears, blood slipping out of his bruised purple nose as he brings his hands up in a boxing stance, hands before face. Two easy dodges came from me while Erwin sneaked up behind him.

"Jean watch out!" But it was to late from the call of Annie when Erwin hit his neck pressure point bringing him down besides Bertolt, drool and blood mixed together in a puddle on the screaming, hand over mouth, shocked Petra's cream white carpet. "Jean!" Annie cried out bringing her fist to my face but Eren jumping in just before "You should've died you prick!" she yelled kicking Eren in his side as he rolls into a ball, Erwin doing the same to Annie as he did Jean as fast as he could.

Yells came from around us but my head was spinning my eyes blurred up with the color of red as I searched the floor to where Eren had landed to find, no one? 

I looked up dizzily to the opened mouthed, some in tears, others just plainly shocked looking behind me.

There words came from quiet 'oh no' or 'don't do it' as there eyes didn't leave the scene playing on behind me, me reluctantly twisting around to a horrify, heart pounding sight of....


- Edited (Word Count: 1408)

A/N: Hope you enjoy?! Thank you so much for the views and comments it mean's a lot! ~

Eren's messed up life (Levi x Eren)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora