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~ Levi's POV ~

Have you ever felt like the world is spinning, yet your body nor surroundings are spinning but your mind? Where your brain shuts down on you and you've know idea in how to act next? Well that's how I felt at the moment. 

Tears soaked his cheeks, eyes bloodshot red with a black bruise surrounding his swollen right eye. Dark brown hair stuck to his sweaty forehead and droplets of tears falling from his emotionless eyes. The brightness once seen, the life now gone. Hes breathing? Yes but looks alive? No. 

My fist clenches then clenches, shiny beads of sweat dripping for my own burning up forehead. A moan comes from the awaking Jean on the floor who's eyes are readjusting to the world around him, but my eyes never leave the person who I'm about to beat the shit out of.

"Let. Him. Go. Now" I speak in a warning tone, them still holding, the gasping for air, Eren.

Reiner, a blonde, ugly, butch male is crouched down to Eren, who's on his shaking knees, with him in a head lock. Eren's nails tiredly claw away at Reiner arm begging for the air which has been taken away from him. 

"L-Levi.." Eren cries out, his eyes half shut looking over at me with hopelessness. "S-sorry..."

Sorry? But only after his words did I understand why he was telling me sorry, it was only after I saw his head fall forwards dropping with his body when Reiner lets off a chesty laugh releasing Eren's body watching it collapse to the floor.

"EREN!" I bellow out, Erwin joining me when we charge forth towards Eren's body only to jump right over it and swing a powerful hit at Reiner. My fist hitting his cheek bone and Erwin's clashing into, the out of breath, shocked, Reiner's ribs.


I said no more when her and Hanji were on the scene rushing to Eren's side her shouting out "On it" for mine and Erwin's attention to go back to the coughing, groaning Jean who was attempting to sit up.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why did you do that to Eren?!" He'd only seemed to come to realization to all that was happening when he rubbed his neck.

"Shit man, that wasn't cool!" was all he said until he saw the passed out Annie beside's him "What the fuck did you do to Annie!" He burst out "You're fucking dead from laying a hand on her I'll hunt you down and-"

"Sorry Jean" Came from Marco as he copied Erwin's pressure point moved to knock out Jean "And Levi-" He gave me an apologetic look "-I din't know this was gonna go on, nor that Eren was even alive and just that I'm sorry dude"

"Fuck off" was all that needed to be said when I climbed over all the unconscious bodies and made my way to Eren who was spread out along Petra's sofa, Sasha trying to wake him up by tempting him with food. Idiot. "Is he..is he alright?"

Taking in a long breath Petra came to a frown, my chest tightening "Fortunately for him not meager happened, his breathing seems a bit off from the tight hold around his throat but apart from that he's fine" Eye's glaring at the one's who dared to Eren she carried on "As for you four-" Arms crossed he stared down the now awake Annie, Jean and Bertolt "-get the fuck out this instant and don't make me called your parents..." Tutting Jean soon shut up "Or the police"

With a "Bitch" and "I'll get you Jaeger, Ackerman won't always be there" they dragged the limp body of Reiner and left Petra's house slamming the front door behind them blocking out there on going curses. 

"I suggest-" My attention moved back to the jagged breathing Eren "-that he stays laid down and rests, not big movements and that you keep his neck out and mouth open" Before I got down to reach for Eren Petra quickly added "And Levi?"


"I can tell you love him..." Her eyes showed sadness but brightened up "And that's good, I haven't seen you like this before and it makes me happy, keep a good eye one this one, don't let him slip"

"Don't worry Petra" I told her lifting him carefully up "He's not going anywhere without me"

"That's good" She says walking us to the front door "I'm sorry about the party, I really didn't hope for this to happen"

"No. No it's alright, at least I got to teach them twats a lesson" With a shy smile from her she left to the two meerkat's, Sasha and Connie stood on tip toes shoving hand fulls of popcorn into their already full mouths.

"See you at school Levi!" I got from both of them as Erwin jogged up to the car in front of us.

"I'd called Farlan" Isabel say stepping forwards, her red hand blowing in the wind as she gives off an exhausted smile "He was going to pick me up anyway" I nod at her words.


"It's fine Hanji, you've done enough enjoy the rest of the party with Petra"

"Thank you!" She shouts smiling a goofy, cringe, smile.

"Thanks" I mutter to Erwin who holds the back car door open, me sliding on in, sitting Eren on my lap. "Erwin?" He looks at me before join me in the back "Is it cool to lay Eren's legs over you?"

"Yeah thats fine" He says as Isabel buckles back up in the passenger look, Farlan glancing down at the Eren laying on my lap shaking his head and starting the cars engine.

"I'm telling you Levi" Farlan called to me "that boy's had one fucked up life!"

Stroking a brown lock of hair away from his closed eyes I brush my thumb over his cheeks onto his dry ruby red lips. "I know" I tell him "but while I'm here he won't have to worry about that anymore"

"I haven't seen you like this since your parents were alive-" I flinch at the reminder of my parents "-but he is for sure has done good for you" He comments before long pulling up outside my house, Erwin running to my side of the car and helping me out with Eren "Don't threat to call Levi, we're only round the corner!"

"I know, in a bit!"

"Good-luck Levi, and you Eren" He whispers the the body stirring awake in my arms "See you next time!"

"Yes, cheers Erwin!"



Setting Eren on my bed I rushed to the kitchen where I pulled out a fresh, cold water bottle. When I arrived back to my room I was panicked to find a confused, sitting up Eren who's eye's wondered around the room looking lost.

"Oi, lay back down will yer?" He looked at me with a dozy look his eyes no longer a bit green but more of a cloudy, dull color. "Brat, you listening?" 

Looking at him I watched his eyes leave mine to look at the palms of his hands uninterested. 


"Shh" I told him, sitting side ways next to him and handing him the water bottle which he took weakly "Just drink for and rest, you're not even meant to be sitting shitty brat" Him taking a swig water trailed from the corners of his mouth to his chin "Tch. Filthy brat at least keep it in"

"I-I'm sor-" My eyes narrowing at him he shut his mouth holding the bottle back out to me, me placing it on the side cupboard attached to the bed.

Turning back to his I sighed pushing him, gently, by the shoulders, back to a laying position joining him.

"You really had me worried Eren" I calmly said one of my hands on his waist, the other playing with his hair "I won't ever let them touch you again" I promise "You'll never be hurt again"

Soft snores came from Eren's lips hitting my neck, his hair tickling away at my cheeks, my fingers weaving though his fluffy hair.

"I-I love you....Eren" I say in a hushed tone closing my own, itching to sleep, eyes taking in his sweet scent which could drive anyone crazy, holding him close.

No one will hurt you, no one will lay a finger on you, I promise you..Eren

Only if Levi knew that all promises are meant to break especially the one's you can't stop from happening, or could he?...


- Edited (Word Count: 1432)

Eren's messed up life (Levi x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now