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Your POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I try to reach out to turn it off but can't move my arm. I look down and Dan's arms are still wrapped around me tightly.

"Dan," I whisper shout. He only stirs, so I try again. "Dan, I gotta get ready for work." He slowly opens his eyelids, revealing his gorgeous chocolaty eyes. His lips curl up into a smile, his dimples showing.

"Do I have to let go?" He says, disappointed. I nod and he removes his arms.

I get out of bed, but Dan struggles, taking ages to just sit up. "C'mon, sleepy head. If you get ready on time you can come with me for some breakfast."

He then jumps out of bed, causing me to laugh. "I'll be right back, just let me go get ready." I nod and start to make myself presentable for the customers.

Dan's POV

I get into my flat and frantically search my draws for clothes. I grab out some black jeans and my Dan and Phil pixel people shirt and quickly change.

Once dressed, I quickly walk out of the flat and over to Y/N's. Just as I get there, she's walking down the hall into the living room, but stops when she see's me.

She chuckles and I give her a questioning look. She shakes her head. "Wow, what has happened to Dan? Wearing something other than black. And showing off your own merch?" She chuckles some more and looks at my hair, eyes widening. "And, oh my God, he's a hobbit today!"

I quickly rush to a mirror. And what do I see? Curls. I groan. "Do you mind if I quickly use your straightener?"

She shakes her head. "Why? It's adorable! I love it!" I blush and look down. She giggles and grabs my arm. "Shall we go, Mr Howell?" I nod and we head off.

It's a nice day outside. For once, it's completely cloudless. I look at Y/N. She's wearing denim shorts and a F/C t-shirt with her favourite black converse. She's left her H/L H/C hair out and it flows in the light summer breeze. She's so beautiful. I don't even realise that we've stopped and that she's talking to me.

"Dan!" I snap into reality and she giggles. "We're here, you dork."

I nod. "Hello, Y/N! Hello, Dan!" I turn around to see John and wave.

"Hello, John!" Her soft voice is music to my ears.

"So, are you excited?" He asks, looking to Y/N. Y/N looks at him, confused.

"Excited about what?" I then realise what he's talking about. I wave my hands at him and shake my head, mouthing the words, 'I haven't told her yet!"

He nods. Phew.

Your POV

"So, are you excited?" John asks me. My mind floods with confusion. Excited about what? What don't I know?

"Excited about what?" He looks as if he's about to say something then looks to Dan. Dan looks like he is having a major fit, or like someone was going to tell him the end of a movie. What has Dan been up to?

Nodding, John turns his attention back to me. "Are you excited to start work today?" I look at the two boys suspiciously and slowly nod.

John walks into the back room, leaving Dan and I on our own. Now is my time to get some answers. "What was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"Don't be a smart arse," I say, clearly a little annoyed. "What are you two up to?"

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