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H/C = Hair Colour
E/C = Eye Colour

Your POV

Ten minutes in and I'm bored out of my mind. As I pick at my bread, I can't help but notice a small group of three walk in. The group consists of a woman with blonde hair and two tall men, one with raven hair and a fringe swept to the right and the other with chestnut hair and a fringe swept to the opposite side. They look pretty young, about my age.

They sit at a table for nine not too far from mine. I start to wonder if there are more people joining them or if they just reserved it to get in. I know it's none of my business, but I've always been a curious person.

The waiter always walks over asking them a question. I can't hear it, but I don't think it's about their orders because they're stressing about over something.

Soon, four others walk in. I'm guessing they're the rest of the party as they sit at the same table. I realise I've been staring too long and try look away. But, of course, don't succeed.

Throughout the night, I keep noticing something interesting happening on that table. Like being given too much butter, the awkward mix up between two, and from what I could hear, about the "one night stand" drink and the raven haired man being given a cocktail served with roses. Not fake roses made out of fabric, but freshly cut roses. So manly. But that was not all.

After finishing our meals, we decide to stay a bit and chat. And thank God we did!

The party at the other table just got more interesting. The raven haired man stood up. He started walking over to the bathroom, but forgot one thing. The napkin on his lap. As he was speed walking to the bathroom, it kinda just stuck to his crotch. I giggle a bit, not too loud to be noticed. Just as it starts sliding down his leg, my mission to supress my giggles fails. I start having a laughing fit, earning many stares from people around. The waiter walks over and picks up the fallen napkin, folds it and places it back on the owners chair.

After my laughter dies down, I can't help but feel a pair of eyes on me. I look around the room, but stop when my eyes land at the other table. The man with the chestnut hair was just looking away, his cheeks developing a rosy tint to them.

To be completely honest, he's not that bad looking. I study him a bit longer, before I get caught. His eyes are brown and remind me of a puppy's, and when he smils, deep dimples show in his cheeks.

Soon after, the raven haired man comes back, still oblivious to the fact that the whole resturaunt just saw him drag his serviette across the room.

~Time skip~

"... So, then I fell out of the tree and SNAP! I broke my arm. It took a while for...." Dad drones on and on about the time he fell out of a tree trying to get his brand new frisbee and broke his first bone, his arm. I've heard it so many times so I glance over to the other table to see if anything interesting is happening.

Just as I look over, the chestnut haired man looks down to see what the blonde haired woman is doing, who must be adjusting her belt, then immediately looking up, as does she, and having a full conversation using their eyes. Oh, I feel her pain. The awkwardness. I let out a little giggle, and soon, after holding it in, the two lose it. And so do I. But everyone else is focusing on the other two to notice my laughter. I'm laughing so much, I don't notice that guy staring at me again. Nor do I notice my dad talking to me.

"Y/N?" He's looking worried.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. What did you say?" I ask, blushing slightly.

"Are you ready to go?"

Damn. I was hoping I could watch the other table forever. Nodding, I stand up and pay my share of the meal. I take one last glance at the other table and walk out.

Dan's POV

This meal has been so awkward!

But, I can't help but notice the girl sitting at the other table. She has H/C hair and E/C eyes. I have to admit, she was kinda beautiful.

The first time I noticed her was when Phil went to the bathroom and took the napkin with him. She was the only one in the resturaunt laughing. After that, I couldn't help but occasionally stare at her.

A while later, after the belt incident, she and everyone else at her table got up to leave. I'd be lying if I didn't say I wanted her to stay longer. As she was walking out, she turned to have one more glance. I started to feel my cheeks heat up, but quickly shrug it off. She's just a girl that I saw in a resturaunt, what was I expecting?

Though, I do hope that I meet her again.

Your POV

Two cabs are waiting outside. One to take me home and one to take my family to the station to go back to Yorkshire.

I'm not gonna lie, they can get on my nerves sometimes, but I'm going to miss them. Even if they're complete arseholes, you always have a soft spot for your family.

After saying our goodbyes, I hop in my cab and give the cab my address.

~Short time skip~

After climbing many stairs, I'm in my new room. Though, I wouldn't exactly call it "my room" yet. It has to be personalised until I can call it "my room" or else it's just a normal room.

I lay on my "bed", which is just a mattress on the floor at the moment, and try to sleep. Though, sleep doesn't come too soon. I start to think about that man. Weird, I know, but I can't help it.

Soon my eyes get droopy, and I shut my eyes. Sleep, at last. I have a big day tomorrow.

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