As I walked into the school and down the pathway that lead to the main reception I was met with silence. Everyone was in class and not a single student was out. There wasn’t even a gardener or something making noise so I felt really awkward walking in.

I made sure to bring my dress up so it was higher than the knee like it was meant to be. I had all piercing’s in and made my tattoos a lot easier to see. Although you can’t really see the black dragon on my right shoulder blade and my tattoo on my left hipbone that has the word Nate in cursive you could see the little bird on my left wrist and the barbed wire around my right pinkie. Every single tattoo has a meaning to me and they aren’t some that I got because I was drunk or something they were for people and reasons. The black dragon was for when I was being known as the Black Dragon, the bird was for my dad, the word Nate was for my best friend who was killed by one of Mike’s friends and the barbed wire was when I started fighting.

Walking into the reception with nothing but black eyeliner to emphasise my point and my nose, cartilage and lip piercings on display I got some pretty discussed looks which I was aiming for. As I reached the secretary I cleared my throat and she looked up at me but as soon as she took in my appearance she looked scared, I would be scared as well if I was in the same position. I’m just hoping that my pocket knife isn’t showing otherwise I could be busted big time and even though every time I get away from the cops without them seeing me I don’t want that to change.

“C-can I h-help you?” She stuttered and I smirked at how intimidating I looked. If I looked this scary and saw the principle afterschool after being obnoxious I could probably pull off getting expelled in a day which I could cross of my bucket list.

“Yeah, I need my class schedule” I said roughly back. I wasn’t going to show nobody any other side of me except the mean one I use a lot.

“Name” She said quietly only above a whisper.

“Asha Black, actually I think I was enrolled as Ashley Black” I said confidently and rudely.

Just as the secretary was handing me my schedule a tall lady who looked to be at least 60 years old stepped out of a door.

“Well I thought that I heard someone” She said in a very stuck up way and I could already tell I was going to be able to pull off my plan. “And who might you be young lady” She sneered with a disgusted look on her makeup caked face.

“I’m Asha” I spat at her and a look of rage overtook her features.

“How dare you talk to me in such a way! You must address me and speak to me kindly” She bellowed and stuck her- probably plastic- nose high in the air. “I am the head mistress here and you will respect and treat me like one” She glared at me.

“Respect is something that is earned not given” I said with my newfound sass that I always knew I had somewhere.

“I have got the respect by just being the principle here!” She stomped her foot and huffed.

“Well go ahead and kick me out of this school, I don’t even want to be here” I said examining my nails which I was sure would piss her off.

“Nancy can I expel her for being rude to me?” She asked turning to the secretary.

“I assume so” She shrugged “But I think she is meant to also do something else against the school rules” She said like she knew everything.

“Does having a knife in school count?” I asked her casually and both of their eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

“You have a knife in the school grounds?” The principle squeaked.

“Yep” I said casually reaching for my pocket but she stopped me before I could unzip the pocket.

“Ok, Ok I believe you! You’re expelled! Get out of this school and never come back, I don’t want my beautiful students getting harmed!” She yelled towards the end and I just walked out giving them the bird.

“That was easier than expected” I though as I walked back home. Now I didn’t have to use my mum’s art friend’s money for my school fees.


I was about 5 minutes away from home when I saw a school and it looked to be co-ed and not a private school which was even better. I decided that I would enrol for that school because it was so close to my place and it wasn’t some expensive private school.

Ember View High was the school I wanted to go to.

As I walked into the school I noticed there were a lot of kids walking around so it must have been time that they change classes. As I was walking past I saw a girl who was being a little bit too loud so I could hear their conversation.

“What am I going to do Matt?” the blonde one with a gold locket asked.

“I’m not sure, there’s no one strong enough except Kolton but he won’t help” the guy I was assuming was Matt said.

“Damn, I really need help with this one” She said but that was all I heard before they were too far away to hear anything.

What did she need help with? And who was she? Who was Kolton?

Pushing all these questions aside I walked into the office and enrolled for the school which I was hopefully going to be going to soon.


The cute guy is on the side ( you will find out the name soon ;) ) 

Last chapter I wrote "ipod" but Asha doesn't have an ipod. I was talking about a little radio thing that only recieves fm and am. Going all scientifical they are radio waves which are part of the electromagnetic spectrum! :D I love science :)


Don't mess with Asha Black *currently editing*Where stories live. Discover now