Chapter 36: Not So Pleasant Surprises

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"Is this goodbye then? Have you chosen those monsters I warned you about over me?" A tall blurry figure asked me. 

"I don't want it to be a goodbye, Father. Believe me, I don't. And I am not choosing anyone over you, but I must do this."  I told the blurry figure, who I now knew was my father, through tears as my voice cracked. 

"Why? Why must you do this? Surely there is some other way."  My blurry father used a gentle hand and wiped the tears off my cheeks. 

"If I pick the other way I may never see you or the rest of my family ever again. I can't do that. Granted this way we may never see each other again either, but at least there is hope this way. And if there is anyway that I could ever see you again, I'm willing to take the risk." I gave a weak smile. 

"You always were the brave one, so much like your mother. She'd be proud of you."

I threw my arms around him and sobbed into his chest. "I just wish she was here to see what I was doing. I wish she was here to give me strength, courage, wisdom, and faith."

"Oh but she is. You are strong, though you may not see it, you are. You do have courage, look at what bold actions you are taking. You have wisdom, you speak with wisdom beyond your age. You have faith, you have faith that we will see each other again. I truly admire all of those things in you. That doesn't make you doing this any easier, on either of us." He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.


Pain ran all over my face as I shot up. 

"About time you woke up," A voice next to me said. 

I turned to see Hawkeye standing over me. I looked around the area that I was in. I was in some large concrete room that had stains on the walls and smelled horrible. I tried to stand, but could hardly move. I look at my legs and saw why. My legs, and arms, were chained to the concrete wall behind me. 

"Where am I? And why am I here?" I glared at Hawkeye.

"You're in Loki's underground hideout from S.H.I.E.L.D.. But now that he is captured and probably in a S.H.I.E.L.D. prison somewhere, this doesn't come in handy for him. You're here because once I told Erik what you could do, he wanted to make an army of people like you."

 "S.H.I.E.L.D. stopped Loki?" I didn't even need to ask about how he knew what I could do, I knew he must have saw me shape shift. I needed to be more careful.

"So they think." He was starting to move away from me and toward a door. 

"What do you mean 'so they think'?" I asked confused. 

"They think they have Loki and are in control of him. Little do they know help, for Loki, is on the way."

"How do you plan on breaking into S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"I have my ways. Now if you'll excuse me, Loki needs some help." He walked out of the door and I heard it click behind him and I knew I was locked and chained in here. 

Or so Hawkeye wanted me to think. I knew how to get out. And that's what I planned on doing, getting out and getting into S.H.I.E.L.D.. 

I shrunk into the size of a mouse to get out of the chains. After I was out I ran to the back of the room and became regular size again. I darted toward the door, with the strength of an elephant, I charged through the door. Right before the door hit the ground I became mouse size, again, so that nobody would spot me. 

I couldn't help but smirk as I looked at all the people just staring blank at the destroyed door. Such idiots. Did they really think that they could contain me? 

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