Chapter 25: There Was an Idea

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"Did you got that?" Phil asked me three weeks later at training.

"I wish I could say yes, but..." I gave a cheesy smile. 

Phil laughed, "What do you need for me to repeat?"

"Everything after 'I wanted to talk to you about an idea to form this team,'" I mocked. 

He rolled his eyes, "I should've known, I am dealing with a antsy teenage girl. Predator for that matter."

"Hey!" I hollered causing Phil to laugh, which just made me laugh too. 

"Okay I am going to try this again. S.H.I.E.L.D. has discussed this idea to form a team, called the Avengers. They are really supposed to be our back up plan to save the world from things that we can't. The Avengers would be made up of unique individuals, the ones who went from ordinary to extraordinary. For example we would add IronMan, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, and Hulk to this team (Thor wasn't part of the plan he just kind of showed up). S.H.I.E.L.D. would also help out in every way possible."

"And you want me to join this team?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm not sure if you've noticed, Uncle Phil (that's how close they are), but S.H.I.E.L.D. and I are not on the best terms. Okay were not on the best terms, considering they think I am dead."

Phil chuckled, "No not exactly where I was going with this. Did you hear anything on the news about a year ago when a man named Loki attacked New Mexico with the destroyer? And then his "brother" Thor came to the rescue? And that's when we realized we aren't alone in space."

"Yes I do remember hearing some stuff about that last year. It frightened everyone. What happened to those two men?"

"Thor went back to Asgard to take care of Loki there, we assumed. We've never heard or seen from them since that attack. Until now."

"What do you mean until now?" I could feel my adrenaline start to rise, this was getting good. I really did like where this was going, at least I think I do. 

"Have you ever heard of the tesseract?"

"I think so," I paused trying to think about what it was. "Isn't it that big blueish/clearish bright cube thingie?"

That made Phil chuckle. "Yes the tesseract is that big blueish/clearish bright cube thingie. Very good. Did you know that it is from the gods? Odin to be exact." I gave him a confused look so he explained. "The tesseract is an artifact from Odin's, Thor's father, treasure room back in Asgard. Somehow it managed to find its way here. The Red Skull used it for his power because he wanted to have the power of the gods, until Captain America killed Skull and went into the ice with the artifact. It was discovered again, by S.H.I.E.L.D. so we took it out of its hiding spot in the ocean. Some of the doctors back at one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s bases are examining this amazing treasure. They think that it could possibly be a door to another realm, and that the door is open from both sides. It was also showing high activity signs, which made us think maybe we weren't the only ones trying to use it."

"You think someone from Asgard is trying to work the tesseract?" I asked amazed. 

"Asgard or some other realm."

"What does this have to do with the Avenger team?" I wanted him to quit getting off topic and get to the point. I am a teenager, a teenage girl, Predator, I am impatient. 

"We are afraid that the whoever else is using this may get dangerous with it. We need to be ready in case something does happen. So I am not asking you to join the Avengers, not exactly. I want you to show up in case anything bad happens. I want you to show them who you really are, and that you are not who you once were. That you're a hero now. That you got a second chance and changed and are ready for battle. And that this time you you be fighting against them, but with them. They need to see your true new colors."

"I can do that. If you don't mind me asking, what do you fear might happen?"

"I fear a  war might start. And new monsters being made in the making or the aftermath of this war."

"Does war make monsters? Or do monsters make war?"

Phil stared at my impressed at my use of words. "I guess we'll find out. Won't we?"

"Yes, yes I guess we will."

I was ready to find out. I was ready for war. Does that make me a monster? Maybe, but I believe that I was one before this all happened. I mean I am Predator. She was definitely a monster. A monster meant to be feared. And I will show this monster on the other side of this war, who the real one to be feared is,  and what she can do. Because when I am done with the other monster, I will be the only one left standing. For the other one will be one it's knees, kneeling before me and begging for mercy. 


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