Chapter 4: Don't Go In

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As I was driving away my phone began to ring. I dug into my purse, with one hand still on the wheel, until I felt it. I pulled it out and saw that it was Neal calling me.

"Hello, Neal," I said.

"Hey, Jessica. Where are you?" Neal asked.

"Dude, chill I am fine. I literally just left Michael's house."

"Can you stop by the store first?"

"Sure what do you need?" I asked.

"Um we need hot dogs, marshmallows, graham crackers, and Hershey's chocolate bars."

"Are we making s'mores?" I perked up. We used to do this all the time when we went down to the river. I was excited to have the good 'ol memories back into action.

"No, we are gonna feed the fish marshmallows. What do you think we are doing, Sherlock?"

"Blah, blah, blah. Shut your pie hole, Neal," I grumbled. 

"I'm gonna hang up now. Don't forget your brothers needs. Oh and by the way if you pull a Rachel and eat all of the chocolate on the way here I am gonna hurt you."

I chuckled remembering about a year ago when Rachel had eaten all of the food we told her to buy before the party. "No promises. How do you plan on making s'mores when it is 42 degrees F outside?"

"Who said we're gonna make them outside? We have a microwave."

"They won't taste as good. Anyways I'll let you go now so I can get to the store."

"Bye, Jessica. See you soon."

"Bye, Neal. See you soon." Then I hung up. 

I made a U-turn so I could go to the store a faster way. All I can say is I wish I wasn't in such a rush, everything would still be "normal" and some people wouldn't be missing their family members because of me. 

I had the newest album from the band Skillet playing in my truck. I started to hear some strange noises, so I turned down my music, thinking maybe that was the problem. The noises were still going on even with my music down, I then shut off my music completely. No help at all. At that point I was starting to worry that maybe it was something wrong with my truck. 

I pulled over, turned off my truck, opened the door, and jumped out. Now that I wasn't inside my truck, the noise sounded even freakier and even louder. I looked around to see where it could be coming from. There weren't many buildings around here, the closest one was across the street. I assumed that the noise was coming from there, but I wasn't to sure what to do about it. 

Me being me, I decided to go over, see what it was, then see if I could help. That was stupid, way stupid. If I could take it back now, believe me I would. I would never have gotten out of my truck, I would never have walked over to the building. I would never have become the beast and monster that I am today. But I couldn't predict the future, so I didn't and continued over to the building. 

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