Chapter 11: Waking Up

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I woke up with bright lights shining down on my face. My first thought was that I was back in the lab with Dr.Allen. I gasped then sat up looking around the room to make sure I was correct. I was wrong, like normal. I was beyond glad to be wrong this time.

Instead of the lab  was in a hospital room, I had been saved. I don't know who rescued me, or when they found me, all that I cared about is that someone had rescued me and I was now safe. 

Then I remembered the doctors words and realized that I was far from safe. 

"She's awake now," I didn't know who, but somebody had just walked out of my room, disturbing my thoughts. 

I looked around and noticed that there were flowers all over my room, along with cards and stuffed animals. I figured that I had been in here for a while, which wasn't good news since I had a month before things got worse. 

Suddenly the door opened again and my dad, stepmom, brother-in-law (Steven), older sister (Steven's wife, Brooke), Mary (their kid), Emma (their other kid), Bekah (my younger sister), and my band came into my room. 

"Jessica!" Moni shouted running over to my side to give me a big hug.

"Hey there, Jess," Joel said smiling while joining his brother in our hug.

"My sister, Jessie!" Neal yelled and giving me a hug that nearly had me gagging for air.

"Never call me that again," I growled.

"Look she's still her normal self," Neal said chuckling. 

I rolled my eyes in response to his smart mouthed comment. Comments like that were normal for him and our band, so I was used to being teased like that. 

"Hey there, Jess-Jess. How are you feeling?" My dad said walking over next to me. Jess-Jess was a nickname that I honestly disliked, but have grown used to him calling me it. 

"Not too horrible," I lied. Physically I felt fine, but emotionally I felt like a train wreck. "What happened?" I asked although I already knew most of it. 

"I'm not exactly sure, Jess. We got a call last night saying that we needed to come here because a new patient came in that could be our daughter. The doctors told us that somebody had called 911 saying that they found your truck in a ditch with you trapped in it. Shocking your truck only has a few scratches, but is in great shape. Its you  that is in worse shape."

"Yeah that is strange," I mumbled because I knew why I got it worse than the truck. 

"Your truck is back home, don't worry," Neal teased. 

"Oh okay thank you for taking that stress off my plate," I said sarcastically. "When can I go back home?" 

"The doctors wanted to check up on you when you woke up, but we beat them to you. It all just depends on how your check up goes." My dad  said. 

"Oh okay. Did he say how long he expected?"


As if on cue two people walked into the room in white doctor coats. They asked my family and friends to leave so they could do their job. A few moments later it was just the three of us in the room, alone. 

The man introduced himself as Dr.Gibson and the lady as Nurse Murphy. 

"How are you feeling?" Nurse Murphy asked.

"I have been better, but I am not horrible," I answered. 

"Do you remember what happened?" 

"I remember my truck sliding on the ice and into a ditch then waking up here."

"Nothing else?"


"Alright Dr.Gibson is going to take over from here, if you don't mind. He has some health that he needs to check." With that she smiled then walked over to the doctor, grabbed a clipboard, and began writing stuff down. 

Dr.Gibson walked over to me asked me to lift up my shirt a little to examine my wounds. Then he looked at the ones on my legs, arms, and face. 

"Well, Jessica," Dr.Gibson said. "I don't see any reason for you to have to stay. Your wounds are large and strange for a car accident, but nothing too bad. I had your nurse go give your clothes and other personal belongings that you had on you to your family. You're free to go."

I walked out of the room and saw my family standing by a check-in register. I walked over next to them and told them what the doctor told me, but was cut off by the doctor that I didn't know was behind me. Him and my family talked for a while so I went over to go chat with my band in the mean time. 

"So, Jess," Neal started. "Do you plan on driving again?"

I was going to say no, that I would wait a while, but then I remembered that I needed a way to go see Dr.Allen. "Yes, I am not chicken I can't let one little mistake stop me."

"That's my girl." Neal came over, gave me a hug, then the rest of the band joined in to make it one big band hug. 

A moment later my family came over and told me that it was time to go. I started following them out the door, but then made a quick glance behind me into the waiting room. I wish I hadn't. Dr.Allen was sitting in their "reading" a newspaper. He grinned as my walk quickened after my family.  

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