Chapter 26: I Am Loki Of Asgard

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Jessica's P.O.V.:

The tesseract absorbed a lot of energy before shooting out a ray of blue light then going back to normal. 

Except everything wasn't "normal". There seemed to be a body or something where the tesseract had just shot its energy at. I was at a good distance away, I couldn't risk getting close and being seen, S.H.I.E.L.D. still didn't know about me. But they would soon enough. 

Being an owl I didn't need to be super close to see what was happening down below me. I could see just fine, meaning I could see that there was a man down below where the tesseract's energy had been released. 

The man slowly brought his head up. He had a creepy smile, much like my own. And his eyes seemed to be staring into the souls of the workers down there. But as soon as he could see all the people he got a confused almost pitiful look on his pale face. 

"Sir!" Director Nick Fury yelled from below me. "Please put down the spear." 

The new man looked down at his spear then raised it. Then without warning he shot a blast of tesseract energy out at the agents. 

Phil told me just to watch and not be noticed today. It was everything in my will not to go to war with this man. 

Machine guns fired from all directions. The agents were doing what I was dying to do, but they were failing miserably. The new man kept fighting and he really seemed to be enjoying his spear. 

The man kicked an agent into a wall then froze looking around. That gave me a chance to examine him more.  He had black hair that looked like a sinister Christmas tree, he was pale, and extremely tall. And there was something strange about his eyes, but I didn't know what. 

The man ran after Agent Clint Barton who was just getting to his feet. He grabbed Clint's wrist, causing Clint to grunt with pain. 

"You have heart," said the new man.

And you have bad English, I thought. 

The man stuck his spear onto Clint's chest. The energy from it moved through Clint's neck veins and into his eyes. His eyes went black then turned blue, a strange blue. A tesseract blue. I couldn't figure what it was with their eyes. 

When the spear was removed from Clint's chest, the agent put his weapon away. 

I face palmed. What are you doing? Shoot him! Shoot him now! 

While the new man was taking over other S.H.I.E.L.D. members, Nick was stealing the tesseract.

Finally, I thought. One man who isn't a complete idiot and knows what to do! 

"Please don't do that," the man said as the director tried to leave with the tesseract. "I still need that."

Um, no. I think you're fine without it, but that's just my opinion. Another opinion of mine is that you should go back to where you came from. I really wanted to go down there and finish him. 

"It doesn't have to get any messier," Fury said. 

"Of course it does," the man said. "I've come to far for anything else."

That got my attention. Messier? How do you plan on making this messier? Who are you and what do you want? 

And then as if he could read my mind he answered. "I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose." 

"Loki?" Doctor Erik Selvig asked. "Brother of Thor?"

Loki? Where had I heard that name?  Then like lighting it struck me. Loki! The monster that Phil told me about? Oh it is so on, Mr.Loki of Asgard. You will regret coming to my realm. You don't belong here. 

"We have no quarrel with your people," Nick said holding up a hand. 

"An ant has no quarrel with a boot," Loki said in a matter of fact like voice.

"You planning to step on us?" Nick asked lowering his hand. 

"I come with glad tidings. Of a world made free."

"Free from what?" Nick asked his voice sounding just as annoyed as I felt. 

"Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that in your heart," with that Loki turned and did his spear trick to Erik. "You will know peace." 

"Yeah you say peace. I kinda think you mean the other thing."

"Sir," Clint said. "Director Fury is stalling this place is about to blow it'll drop 100 feet of rock on us. He means to bury us. "

I gritted my teeth, Dang it, Clint! Forget you and your stupid geniusness! Why do you have to act smart now? Why not before you became this man's minion?  

"He's right. The portal is collaspsing in on it self. We have about two minutes before this goes critical," Erik said.

Loki turned and gave a command to Clint. Clint then shot Nick in the chest causing Nick to fly backwards. Clint, Loki, and Erik all walked out grabbing the tesseract's case on their way out. 

I became the smallest animal that I could think of, then going at cheetah speed, I got out of there. 

I made a quick glance behind me and saw Loki and Maria Hill shooting each other from trucks, or at least trying to. As much as I wanted to help Maria I knew that I needed to get back to my new lab.

There was an extra room in the training area that Uncle Phil made into a work area for me to replace the other. 

I needed to go there and get answers on this, I needed to know what I was up against. I was going to defeat him and take him out and if I had to, his whole realm. I didn't know who I was fighting, yet, but I would before the night was over. And when I did, that monster that calls himself Loki, would be wishing that he had never been born. I hardly new him, but I knew enough about him to know that he wasn't an a friend, he was my enemy. And I knew that this enemy would be one that Phil would allow me to end. Which I would do with honor. 

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