Chapter 30: No That Can't Be Right

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Please look and see that he really does have tesseract blue eyes

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Please look and see that he really does have tesseract blue eyes. 

Jessica' P.O.V.

I love you, always remember that. No matter what happens today, always remember how deep my love for you is. These monsters will try to tear us apart, but don't let them. Please, my dear, I beg of you, don't let them. These monsters that we will go up against today are called-

"Jessica Pryce!" A loud voice boomed.

"AMEN!" I shouted sitting up. 

"Were you really praying, or were you sleeping?" My teacher asked.

"Um, uh, praying, of course," I lied.

"For what?"

To go to bed.  I wanted to say. "To, um, get a good grade on this, uh, test."

"You don't have a test till two weeks," the teacher placed her hands on her hips.

"Well I am praying ahead, getting a head start, I'm an over achiever, I just wanted to-"

"Thanks, Jessica that'll be enough. Now can you please pick up the reading where we left-" The bell that dismissed us to go home went off, just in time too. "Oh well never mind, have a great weekend boys and girls!" 

I grabbed my stuff and ran from the school and to my house, without even stopping at my locker. I'm not a car rider in the spring, I live to close to be wasting money on gas for that. Only in the winter when it's freezing. 

I ran through the front door and dropped my stuff in a chair. 

"Dad?" I yelled. "I'm home! Bekah is at Natalie's house for a sleepover, they decided to go there instead of here. 

"Yeah I know," he said. "I'm in the kitchen by the way. Sharla and I are getting married in a few weeks, as you know. The wedding will be in Texas with her family, so I need to get down there early. I am leaving in a few minutes, as soon as Brooke gets here actually. Same deal as last time, she can't stay with you forever, since she has two kids, so she'll come as often as she can, but she needs to go home ever now and then too."


"That would be Brooke, I guess," I mumbled as I went to go answer the door. I wasn't upset that my dad was going to Texas, that Brooke had to watch us, or anything like that. I just wasn't to hyped about him getting remarried, since it hasn't even been a year since my mother passed away. 

"Aunt Gecka!" My niece, Mary, said excitedly the moment I opened the door. She can't say Jessica, so that's as close as it gets. 

"Hey, Mary!" I leaned down, picked her up and brought her inside. 

My sister, Brooke, walked inside carrying her youngest, Emma, in her hands. "Hey Jessica, where is your dad?" She asked.

"In the kitchen, he was waiting for you so he could go."

"Alright, sounds like I should go great him then," she chuckled.

10 minutes later after my dad left to go to the airport and my sister and nieces got settled in I decided to go to my lab.

"Hey Brooke?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She said her eyes not leaving her episode of Bones

"I am gonna go downtown, to, um, you know, just get out of the house. I'll be back soon."

"Okay, take your phone, be back by 10:00 by the latest, and be careful, New York has some strange folks."

"I will, and trust me I know New York to be strange," I said smiling. That wasn't a lie or and understatement, I think I knew more about how strange New York is than she does. 

On my walk to the lab I began to think about my weird dream in class.

I love you, always remember that. No matter what happens today, always remember how deep my love for you is. These monsters will try to tear us apart, but don't let them. Please, my dear, I beg of you, don't let them. These monsters that we will go up against today are called-

At first I was shocked that I could remember all of it. Then I remembered my intelligence from being the animals I was. I don't think I will ever not surprise myself with my abilities though. 

What the heck is any of that supposed to mean?  I asked myself as my walking pace sped up. Who loves me? What happened that day? What monsters? Why did they want to tear us apart? Who is us? Whose dear am I? Why did all of that feel so real, like a memory and not a dream? 

A few thoughts and questions later I was in my lab and ready to get busy. I had stayed up for 48 hours trying to find answers, that were probably so obvious. Getting so little sleep would explain why I couldn't stay awake in class. Today I was going to get my answers, and I had six hours to do so. 

I sat down at my desk and started to look through my pointless, unanswered notes. Among those notes where files from S.H.I.E.L.D. that Coulson managed to illegally copy for me. I must have looked through the files and notes 1,000 times, but still remained without luck. 

"Think, Jessica, think!" I yelled at myself. "What am I missing? What? I looked through everything a countless number of times! What have I missed? What is it with his eyes? With their eyes? They were all blue, no big deal. Why did Erik's and Clint's eyes change to match Loki's though? Why did Loki's eye color blue seem so unnatural, as if blue wasn't what his eyes were supposed to be? Why did they match the tesseract?" 

I shot up out of my desk chair knocking over the chairs and sending papers flying. 

"Oh my gosh that's it!" I screamed. "Everyone who is being controlled by the tesseract's power has their eyes change to match the tesseract and to show that they aren't controlling their body, the tesseract is. Clint's and Erik's eyes changed to match the tesseract, because that's what was controlling them. Oh this all makes since now. I understand why Clint's, Erik's and Loki's-" I felt a rush of panic come over my body. " Clint's and Erik's eyes are tesseract blue because they're being controlled by the tesseract. Then that means that Loki is-No,no no no no no no no! That can't be! If Loki's eyes are tesseract blue then that means he is being controlled by the tesseract. And if he is being controlled by the tesseract then he can't be the one controlling the tesseract's power. Something much more powerful is controlling the tesseract and Loki." 

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