Chapter 22: Your Call

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Around 3 months later (April 27, 2015) NO P.O.V.:

"This is it, we are here," the driver of the SUV said.

"This is it?" Coulson asked while staring at the warehouse. "She is using Dr.Allen's warehouse as her...clubhouse?" 

"You could say that. The tracker we have on her led us here, so she is here right now, but she goes home. She doesn't live here."

"Well then I guess I better get going before she decides its time to go home. Remember not to send in back up until I ask for it or until you loose contact with me. Director Nick Fury told me to do this solo until I ask for back up, and right now, I am not asking for it." With that Coulson grabbed his walkie-talkie and weapons then headed for the warehouse doors. 

Coulson slowly pulled open the doors then walked inside the warehouse. He had his gun aiming in front of him ready to fire at any second. 

"Hello? This is Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.!" He hollered  just as the lights went out.

Jessica's P.O.V. 

I heard the doors to the warehouse slowly creak open. I pulled my head out of my work and stood up from my desk, calling all the animals in the room to me-which was just Bella, a raccoon, a few rats, a few birds, and a few other different types of wild rodents. 

I quickly took off my sweatpants and pulled off my hoodie then threw them under my desk. I was now standing in my "super suit", if you want to call it that. Most wouldn't view me as a hero, I go around killing those who harm others, the bad guys, but people now think that doing that makes me a bad guy too. They've even come up with a name for me, a warning for people. Predator. They call me Predator. Catchy. 

I could turn the on the T.V. to any news channel any literally the only think that I hear about on there anymore is "Another life lost because of Predator." "Who will she strike next and where?" "Will this madness ever end?!" "Where can we hide from this beast?"  

The media really does love me. 

All of the power in the warehouse could be controlled from the lab by just a few switches and buttons. I flipped some of switches and hit some of the buttons and then bam no more light for my guest. 

I chuckled to myself then fell silent as I heard a man's voice saying: "Hello? This is Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.!" 

The footsteps were slowly creeping closer to the lab door. I quickly climbed the wall and crawled up into the vent waiting for Mr.Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. to show up.

Coulson's P.O.V.

There was no response to my hollering. Not to surprising. I didn't really expect her to yell out, "Hey Agent Coulson! How are you? I am in the kitchen, do you want anything?" No, I wasn't really expecting a response from her at all. 

The lab doors now stood in front of me. I took a deep breath, opened the doors to the lab, and the second I was inside I was slowly spinning with my gun out.

"Predator?" I yelled. "I know you are in here. Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice. I personally enjoy a little bit of a  challenge, so please choose the hard way." 

I didn't plan on leaving until Predator was dead. This was my job, my mission, my goal, there is no way I am leaving until it is finished. 

Jessica's P.O.V.

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