Chapter 10: Mission Report

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"COULSON! HILL! CARTER!" Nick Fury yelled when he heard that he agents had returned. A moment later all three of the agents were in the helicarrier's main area in front of their director. "Report on your mission."

"It was Megan, she was going by a fake name, but a little bit of force got her out of that," Carter said. 

"No physical force, correct?"

"No of course not, sir."

"Good. What did she tell you?"

"She told us that his plans were to crossbreed to different animals so that they could shapeshift into each other or be able to do what the other one does. Not totally crossbreed I guess though because he wanted to take some of the one animal's DNA and mix it with another animal's DNA to get a completely new animal or creature," Coulson said.

"You said that his plans were to do that. What are they now?" Fury asked. 

Maria took over at this part, "To cross DNA animal and human. She said that she she doesn't know how he exactly plans on doing it, but that he will because he has his mind set to it and he won't change his mind. She said that he will go through with his plans, no matter what. She also told us that she isn't to totally sure on how he plans on crossing human and animal DNA, but she knows for certain that he will do it and that we should be on the look out." 

"Human and animal? Why would he want to mix them? What purpose does it have?" 

"Not sure, sir, but whatever it is it can't be good."

"She wanted us to stop him. She said to stop him even if it meant killing him, one because of his evil plans and two because he told her that she would regret dumping him so I think that she feels threatened." Carter told Fury. 

"Well words aren't a good enough reason to kill a man," Fury said stating the obvious. 

Coulson perked up at that comment. "That's exactly what I said, sir. Maria promised Megan that she would stop him though, she has a plan for this. Honestly I do think that it might work, sir."

The agents' and Fury's attention turned to Maria as Fury responded. "Oh she does, does she? Well then, Maria, lets hear this amazing plan of yours." 

Maria gave Coulson an are you serious look before telling Fury her plans. "I was thinking that instead of killing him we stop him, at least until we are given enough evidence to kill him. My plan to do that was to watch for when he was bringing in his next animal victims and stop him then. It can't be legal for him to be owning that many animals or for him to be doing the experiments that he is doing on them. So we watch and wait for that and then stop him then and hopefully all will be over."

"And you actually think that it will work and be that easy?" Fury asked.

"Easy? No it's never easy. Work? Yes, I do think that if we do this just right that we can get it to work."

"Alright then. Carter you go tell Agents Fuller, Roth, Saul, Zeigger, and Periman to get off their rears and go watch for that guy. Hill? You go get what you need for your plan, warrants, agents, whatever you need go get it. Coulson? Go work on that plan for the team we talked about. We don't need them, yet and I honestly hope we never will, but go make sure we have one for if we ever do need one."

The agents nodded at Fury before going their opposite ways for their missions. 

"Fury?" Hill called turning around to face her director. That raised his eyebrows to say that she had his full attention. "How bad do you really think that this man is?"

Fury had to hide a chuckle before responding with, "Bad enough to be on our watch. But if you want my honesty then I think that he just has a big head and is just another scientist that will fail. He is no threat to us." Hill nodded then left the room and Fury to go do her mission. 

Was the doctor a threat? No not the doctor himself, so they were right about that part. But his creations were bad enough to be needed to be hunted down by the Avengers. And that was something that they didn't know, but were about to find out real soon. 

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