Chapter 34: Preparing

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Jessica's P.O.V.

"The eagle has landed," I said walking into the airport. 

"You couldn't have just said 'my plane has landed'?" Phil asked.

"Nope, that would be too easy and not fun," I walked through the airport and began trying to find the exit. I didn't need to grab any suitcases or anything because Phil took it onto his jet and said he'd claim it was his. 

"I need to hang up the phone and get back to business. I will text you your hotel address, hopefully we can see each other before we go back to America. Bye Jessica I love you." He was talking fast so I assumed that he really had to go. 

"Bye Phil love you-" I stop when I realized he had already hung up. 

My phone made a short high pitched noise. I looked down at it and saw that it was my address for my hotel. 

I typed the address into my phone's GPS and hoped that it wasn't to far of a distance to run. Only five miles, not too bad. And only two left turns, even better. I memorized the streets on which I had to turn, put my phone away, then took off. 

Just moments later I was in my hotel room. 

I noticed that there was a suitcase by my bed, when I got closer I saw it was mine. I must have just barely missed Phil. I was really hoping I'd get to see him before he went off with his work. 

I had to go to the bathroom, that's what 8 1/2 hours on a plane does to you. When I walked in I saw a note on the sink. 


In case you haven't found it yet, there is a ball dress and silver heels in your closet. There is a ball tonight and rumor is our friend plans on going. 

Across the street there is a beauty parlor. Don't worry about the cost, connected to the dress should be enough money to cover it. 

The ball is at 9:00 PM which should give you a little under three hours to get settled and get dolled up. I don't remember the exact name for where the ball is taking place, but I know how to get you there. Go south on this street for about three miles then after you pass 16th street it should be on you left. 

Be at the ball! No exceptions!

I hope to see you before I return to America, but it may not happen. 

Love you, 

Uncle Phil

After I got out of the restroom I ran to the closet, anxious to see the dress. I opened up the closet door and must have stood there for 10 minutes just staring at the stunning dress. 

(Remember for a girl with the personality of Jessica her reactions are expected

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(Remember for a girl with the personality of Jessica her reactions are expected.) 

It was absolutely stunning. I was surprised at what Phil had such a good taste in dresses and in what would match my skin tone. 

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