Chapter 17: No Longer A Slave

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The last bell of the school day finally rang it was my first day back from Christmas break and I already wanted to go back home. I grabbed my stuff of my desk then quickly walked to my locker. I pulled put my backpack and shoved the books and crap that I would need later on that night into it. I turned around then the next thing I know I'm on the floor.

I looked up to see what I had run into then made eye contact with a man I didn't get along with very well. Jake Spires. 

Jake was the Captain of the football team and was well built. He could, or thought he could, have any girl that he wanted, that's what I don't like about him. He wasn't bad looking, he just wasn't my type. He stood about six foot tall, had dark blonde hair, and hazel colored eyes, he was extremely smart and well cut-just not my type. 98% of the girls in my school would do anything to hook up with him, but he wasn't interested in any of them. He had his eyes set out for another girl and that, unfortunately was me. 

He grinned and leaned forward to help me up. I wasn't a rude person, and if I didn't like you I wouldn't tell you or show it at all I treated everyone like they're my best friend. I used his shoulder for support then jumped up off the floor. 

"Oh you feel this?" Jake asked grabbing onto his hoodie's sleeve and grinning as he continued. "Yeah that's boyfriend material." 

I rolled my eyes, he just needs to give up already. "Why do you even try anymore Jake?" I asked getting frustrated with his constant boyfriend pickup lines. 

"Try? No, no, no, Darlin' I think that I'm already winning so there is no need for try anymore."

"Think again, Buster." I said a sassy attitude starting to come into my voice. 

"Buster?" Jake asked raising an eyebrow. "So I see that we are already coming up with nicknames for each other. Well that's a start." 

I was about to say some smart comment back, but Neal came over before I could. "Hey, Jake." Neal looked at me then towards the doors, signalling me to leave, I knew Neal could take care of this. I owed him big time. I mouthed thank you before picking up my backpack and darting for the doors. 

As I was driving on the road, a minute after leaving the school's parking lot, I got a crazy idea. I pulled my phone from out of my purse then called my dad's number, he picked up on the first ring. 

"Hey, Dad," I said.

"Hey, Jessica. What's going on?" He asked.

"Oh, um, nothing much. I was just calling to say that I was staying after school to help tutor someone here."

"Okay that's fine. What time do you plan on being home?"

"Oh no later than 4:30."

"Alright, I have a meeting to go to at 4:30 so I may not be home when you get there. I should be back home by 8:00ish. Bekah will be home though and you'll need to make her dinner when you get home."

"Okay I can do that. Tell, Bekah that I'll be home in about an hour and a half to make dinner."

"Will do. Is that it?"

"Yes. Bye, Dad, love you." I said now anxious to hang up.

"Bye, Jessica. Love you too."

I made a quick, and illegal, U-turn the moment he was off the phone. I was now facing toward the warehouse's direction. I was doing a good 50 MPH in a 30 MPH zone, but I didn't have a care for the speed limit. And if I was being honest with myself, I was kind of praying for a cop to follow me. That way I could lead him to the warehouse, so I wouldn't have to do the killing. I had thought about calling the cops, but what was I supposed to tell them? "Hello? 911? My name is Jessica Pyrce, yeah the preacher's daughter. Anyways I am about to go murder someone if you want to help me. Would you like the address?" Not gonna happen. 

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