Chapter 2: Opps, i didn't mean to...

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RECAP: Tyler went to her new school and met a new friend bailey havens. She also found out that her school is about to join with the boys school next door

CHAPTER 2: Opps, I didn't mean to...

Tyler pov:

Are you kidding me? Spring-ton boys school is coming over to our school ? That means Jayden is here ... He is a tell-tale.

"Ty? Ty? Are you okay? You spaced out a bit. "Bailey shook her hand in front of me.

"Yeah,its just that my cousin is in spring ton high ...."i said

''Really? That awesome its like your whole family is studying in this school "she replied cheerfully.


"Watch it bitch"screamed a voice that sound awfully familiar.

''What was that?" Bailey asked. I shrugged my shoulder and walked over to see my sister and A girl in a cheer leader uniform standing. Both of them had their hands on their hips glaring at each other. Some crowd was gathered there.

"What did you just call me?a bitch? Are you talking about yourself?" said the girl in cheer leading uniform. "Her names Rossa Ellen, school's cheerleader captain 'Bailey whispered to me.

''My name is Lexi Coleman and if I'm a bitch, your a ho" screamed Lexi "A hoe? Looks who talking, I'm not the one wearing a skirt like a panties or a shirt that boobs are popping out" Rossa defended.

''Oh yea, your just jealous that your boobs aren't as big as mine ho"

'' Oh u bitch" screamed rossa. Rossa started pulling Lexis's blond hair and Lexi was trying to poke her eyes. Both of them were screaming at each other like mad old women fighting for an apple.

"Tyler, you have to do something. This is not going to end up well." Bailey informed me.

"OK then its up to me to be a good sister and help Lexi out" i said to myself

''No, no, no Ty u are not going to involve their fight you are to stop them " bailey stopped me.i nodded my head and walked over there but i accidentally slipped and falling onto them.

The both of them cushioned my fall and they landed on the dirty floor.

''Opps, i didn't mean to do that "i said while both of then glare at me and everyone was laughing. "What going on here?" A new voice erupted from the laughter.

"Mrs Ann" The crowd around us said in unison

''You two must be the new girls to our school '' Mrs. Ann said. She pointed to me and Lexi and asked us to her office.

'' The three of you, stand here don't move or touch anything is that clear?'' we nodded our head quickly.

The three of us stood there awkwardly. Me being the odd ball, i walked around her room and started looking at her antique vase and a portrait of her on the middle of her office.

''Ms Coleman! What are you doing? '' I jumped at her voice and dropped her vase.


''Opps Mrs A i didn't mean to do that " I said trying to look innocent.

"I will deal with you later young lady about your clumsiness and my name is Mrs. Ann don't call me Mrs. A that rude but right now i have to find out what going on with the three of you ;why are the two of you covered in dirt!" she said sternly.

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