Chapter 49

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-Preston's POV-
The horses were pulled to a stop, and Brice carried me into a house on the outskirts of a city I did not recognize.

We had traveled several hours, and it was dark already. I knew Jerome and Mitch would be confused and nervous by now, because they both know I hate being out past dark. I cannot see in the dark. My eyes were not made with a night vision lens. I cannot even see in dim light. So for it to be dark now, I am basically blind.

Only the light of the building interior kept me seeing at all.

Brice took me to one room and set me on the floor.

"You walk weird."


"Why do you walk weird?"

"Past injuries."

"Like what?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'm curious."

"Well, curiousity killed the cat. I believe that is the saying. Being curious has its consequences."

"I don't care. Why do you walk weird? Tell me this time."

"Bear trap a few years ago. Had my leg amputated. Never healed right."

"If it was amputated, how is it still there?"

"A friend."

"No human can repair an amputated leg that well. It would be useless."


"Sorcerer? Name please?"




"What's your name?"

"Preston Hart. I presume your name is Brice?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"I can hear, you know. Your companion Ty said your name several times."

"Oh. Right."

"Why am I here again?"

"I told you. We're giving you a home."

"But again, I already have one."

"You don't seem to have a parental figure."

"Because I am an adult. I am on my own because I am an adult. Idiot."

"I'm not an idiot. I wasn't talking about age. I was talking about lessons and manners and stuff."

"What and what?"

"Exactly my point."

"Excuse me, there are simply words I have never heard before. Do not do that to me with that snooty tone of yours."

He looked surprised at my outburst. He stepped back.


"Can I leave?"



He closed and locked the door and left me in darkness on the floor.

-Mitch's POV-
I was pacing, concerned.

"Where is he?"

"I do not know. Mitch sit down."

"He's always here before dark. Not after. He can't see in the dark."

"I know. Mitch sit down."

"Where could he have gone that he's still out? He doesn't explore at random, ever."

"Mitchell. Sit down."

"Jerome, he could be hurt. He could've gotten hurt or even killed. We need to look for him."

"I know. Sit down. You are giving me a headache."

I sat down, leaned against him, and crossed my legs.

"We need to go find him."

"In the morning?"

"No. Now. He could be dying. Jerome we're going right now."

I got up and pushed at his ribs.

I displaced him from his comfortable spot, and he finally got up.

"Let's go!"

I grabbed a flashlight, my new bow and quiver, and we left to find Preston, who was possibly dead.

-Preston's POV-
I lay in the room, having no light, and suddenly the door opened. An unidentifiable figure walked in, and simply jerked their arm at me.

A pain erupted in my side where they had jabbed, and the object they had stabbed me with remained there. The person left wordlessly.

I passed out from a strong wave of pain.

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