Chapter 45

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-Kara's POV-

"Kara? Why are you out in this weather? Inside now!"

I bounded up the trees, Preston precariously wrapped in my arms, shivering.

I set Preston on the couch once Seto had spotted him. Seto moved with amazing speed and grace. Coming out with a glass in what was almost seconds.

I held Preston, who was now too weak to move, as Seto literally spoonfed him what he'd made.

Preston revived a little, and soon sank into my lap, completely unconscious.

"What happened?"

"I did my best to heal him and the antidote I have is almost like an anesthetic."

"Wait. You gave him an anesthetic?"

"No. It's like an anesthetic. It's simply a potion. Settle down, Kara."


"It's alright. I've done enough research and reading to know what to and not to give a lava creeper. Surprisingly, they aren't very picky eaters... Most of the time."

"Most of the time?"

"Once their systems grow used to the food of the Nether, it is impossible to feed them surface world anything. They'll just get sick and most likely die."

"What would happen if a surface creature ate something of the Nether?"

"Trust me, I've tried. Don't do it."


"Every fruit has a negative effect on the body. The apples are poisonous. Stingberries will blind you, skyberries will make you feel like a million pounds, blightberries are poisonous, and duskberries make you weak. Do not eat anything of the Nether."


Seto set Preston in a blanket next to him on the couch and let him rest.

"How long will he be out?"

"About an hour. The potion stopped the progress of the obsidian in his body and now his system simply has to flush out the illness that comes with it."

"At least it isn't a day."

"This weather is incredible. One second it's a sunny and humid day, and next, it's pouring."

"I'm surprised it's not hail."

"Lucky thing it wasn't. Hail is painful. It's like rocks but it's ice."

-Mitch's POV-
Once Kara was gone, and the door slammed, Kenny shuffled into the room.

"Where'd Kara go?"

"Taking Preston somewhere."

"What happened?"

"Freak rainstorm made him really sick."


Our attention is captured by a sound.


"What was that?"

"I don't know, Kenny."

Clunk clunk

Soon it was coming a lot more. And fast.

"Mitch what is that?!"

I glanced out the window.


It wasn't a rainstorm. It was a hailstorm now. Wonderful. I wasn't going anywhere until this finished.

An hour or so later, Kara comes rushing in the door.

"Kara! Why did you run in hail?!"

"I didn't know it was hailing. It was just rain where I was."

"Where's Preston?"

"Seto is dropping him off at the meadow currently. He'll be there any second."

"I guess I'm stuck here for a while longer. You're stuck with me 'til this hail lets up."

"Not stuck with. In the company of."

"Wait. Seto?"

"Your friend who lives in a tree?"

"A tree? Why would anyone live in a tree?"

"Safety from predators. Isolation. Mystery. A lot of reasons, actually." Said a voice from the doorway.

I turned.

A man stood- leaning against the doorway- outlined by the outside hailstorm.

Features came into detail as he stepped into the light.

Caramel brown hair, light brown eyes, pale, a grey outfit, snow white boots, and a royal purple cloak.

"Name's Seto. If you couldn't tell already."

"Hello Seto."

"Hi Kara. This must be Kenny and Mitch. Very nice to meet you boys."

He shook our hands and sat down at Kara's insistence.

"Preston is slowly waking up and healing in the den of the alpha. His system has completely flushed out the illness and the obsidian fell away soon after I arrived in the meadow with him."

"Okay. Thank you Seto."

"Hold up. How do you two know each other?"

"I raised Kara and then was her commander when she enlisted in the army as a medic."

"Long story, alright?"

"Alright. I've gotta get back now, actually. I want even supposed to be here this long."

I thanked hem for helping and ran through the hail all the way back to the meadow.

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