Chapter 40

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-Lachlan's POV-
As promised, I dropped into the Nether to pick up Preston. He looked a bit tired, but for the most part he was fine.

I was still barely awake, and as soon as I pulled through the portal, I was bombarded by a little girl. She knocked me down at the foot of the portal, laughing and hugging me.

I thankfully recognized her though. It was the one cousin that Vikk had that I could stand. Not literally of course, because she had a habit of pushing me down. I looked over to Preston, who had backed away and looked slightly hostile toward the child.

"Julia. Go back to Vikk for a moment, alright?"

She nodded and ran off.

"What was that?"

"Julia? She is the 5 year old cousin of Vikk."

"Why did she push you? You could have gotten hurt."

"It is just a habit of hers. I cannot break the habit."

"Are there more like her?"

"No, thankfully. Just her. Although, his entire family is here."


"Vikk. So there will be more people than Vikk, Julia, you, and I. Roughly 32 people are here."


"I know. I do not do well in crowds either. But you must endure it. I beg of you. They are too overwhelming for just the two of us."

His expression steeled.


He and I made our way to Vikk, who stood in the middle of the room, bored out of his mind. He waved the two of us over, interrupting his aunt.

"What is that?" She sounded disgusted, her gaze locked onto Preston.

"This is my friend, Preston. And there's no need to be rude. He's only visiting."

"Get it out. It is not family."

"If that's the case, Lachlan's gotta go too. He's not family either. You know that'll upset Julia."

"Ugh. Fine. It can stay."

"Preston isn't an it. Preston's a him."

She still was not happy, but she tolerated Preston as long as he remained several feet from her at all times.

Julia enjoyed his presence, hanging on him like she does to me, but once she went too far- pulling his leg out from under him- he snapped at her. She backed away, and he got very tense, walking backward into a wall.

Across the room, I could hear members of the family freaking out, especially the aunt of Vikk. She was in hysterics, saying that Preston had almost killed Julia.

Preston frowned.

"I have done nothing of the sort. You are overreacting, ma'am."

She did not care. She got more and more hysterical as she went. It got to the point that Vikk spoke up.

"You know what? Leave. Now."


"You heard me. Leave. NOW."


"Excuse me? You are a visitor in my house. Now GET OUT."

"I am your aunt-"

"Does it look or sound like I care?"

She paled.

"Now, do as I said."


"No. Julia can stay. I'll have someone take her home. Just you. All of you."

"You know what, fine."

They left finally, leaving me, Julia, Vikk, and Preston.

The afternoon was calmer and much more pleasant than it had been with the rest of the family. Julia was careful with Preston, and Preston visibly retained a retort when I laughed at him because Julia was petting him.

Preston left around 9 pm and Vikk had a soldier take Julia home.

Vikk and I went to bed, completely exhausted.


I apologize for the long wait. I was in Ohio for eight days to see my cousin before he left for boot camp. The hotel I was in had shit wifi and I wasn't allowed to have my phone at night.

Hopefully I'll be on track now. I'll update you guys if I leave next time. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Love you guys!

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