Chapter 35

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I backed away, suddenly nervous.

"Who are you?"

"I am the elder. I was told that the child of Madame Hart had arrived. I gather that you are her child."


"Wonderful. Now I am here to answer whatever questions you have, especially about your mother."

"Why is everyone calling her Madame?"

"Now, that is a complicated question to answer. Your mother inherited everything from the Count- her father- which made her the elder. She left without anyone knowing, while everyone knew she was expecting you."

"So my mother-"

"Is the elder. I am only here because she left."

"So without my mother... I would be the elder?"

"Yes. Yes it would. By the way, where is your mother?"

"Passed on. So by default, I come home to be elder."

"That is correct."


His smile melted.

"What? Why?"

"I do not want this responsibility. I apologize, sir, but I refuse."

He did his best not to look torn, but I still saw it in his eyes.

"That is alright. You will remain in the cove, I presume?"

"Yes, but please. If you can help it, bring as little to me as possible. I wish to live without aid."

"Very well. But before I go, I have one thing to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I say my child not because you are young yet, but because you are. Madame Hart did not trust me."

"Wait. You are my father?"

"Yes. Preston, I waited for so long to finally see you. Now you are in front of me, and you wish me away. I will leave you alone, but I only wanted you to know."

"Sir, I appreciate you telling me. I expect to hear from you in the future, but to start, I do wish to stay isolated."

"Your wish shall be fulfilled. I am being called away, so goodbye."

"Goodbye!" I called as he walked over the hill and out of sight.

My first thought was food. I needed food. I found a pouch near the door, and set off. It did not take long before I ran into the tree I had been looking for. The darkwood tree was full of apples.

Potash to be exact. I grabbed a few, then kept walking only to find skyberries. I thought to myself, 'I forget how these taste...' This is because Mom had kept a small pouchful for special occasions, but we ran out fairly quickly because every birthday we ate a few each. She only had 8 and we ate 2 each for mine, then 2 for hers.

I collected the ones that I could, then headed home. I crashed on the bed, shifting the cotton I had brought from the overworld. It was not flammable- I tested it. After eating half of an apple, I drifted to sleep after a long day.

And I have a vendetta against long days. They manage to give me headaches the following day. Which is what happened. Long days kill me.


Hai friends.

The potash apples and the berries are from the Minecraft mod called Natura. All of these are legitimate. They do give buffs and debuffs, but it doesn't affect Preston due to being from the area.

I DID MY RESEARCH. I got it right.

Love you guys!

 Lost Amongst ManyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ