Chapter 34

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Not even two miles north from the meadow, and a small cave trip down, I hit a lava pool. See, humans do not know this because they burn and can die in shallow lava, but there are entire communities down here. And each has a portal home.

The elder of the pool saw me before anyone else, and seemed very surprised to see me.

"Child, where is your mother? Where are you heading?"

Guilt hung on me like a rock.

"My mother has passed on. And I am heading home."

"Would you like to stay here? Or would you like to go all the way?"

"All the way, please. I have been isolated for far too long."

"Very well. This way."

The portal was blocked off by a metal door, so the lava did not break the portal.

"Thank you sir."

"May the Nether bless you, child."

"And may the overworld be kind to you. I thank you for your kindness."

And I stepped through the portal without another word.

Another of my kind greeted me at the portal.

"Hello, child. What is your name?"

"Preston. You?"


"Pleased to meet you."

"Now, are you the child of Madame Hart? I recognize you."

I jumped in surprise at the name.

"Yes. Yes I am. But why call her Madame?"

"Because she is, is she not?"

I had never thought about it. She never said so if it were true, so I could not answer Lila.

"She never said. I do not know."

"Where is she?"

More and more guilt clung to me than before.

"She passed on."

"I am sorry for your loss. For now I can take you to the home your mother left."

"Can you please? I did not even know there was one."

She started to walk and I kept close.

"Preston, how did you not know?"

"I have never been here before. I grew up in the overworld."

"Have you now?"

"Mother never saw fit to let me explore, so I know little of both the Nether and overworld."

"Poor child. The house is just beyond this arch. Come along."

She stopped just beyond the arch as she had said, and I was startled to see a large cove. It was carved sharply into the netherrack, and was lit by raw glowstone hanging from the roof.

"I must return to the community, but my elder shall come by to explain things to you. Alright?"

"Thank you for your patience, Lila."

"It was no problem. I am just excited to see that Madame Hart has a true legacy."

And with that, she ran off, back in the direction we came. I decided to explore the cove more, and wherever I went, there were new things to see. I found several hallways branching off from the cove, and many were overflowing with lava. It was quiet, but not silent. The bubbling of the lava gave a constant calming nature to the rest of the cove.

Just as I was getting used to the cove, one- who I assumed was the elder- approached.

"My dear child! You have come home."


Hai gaiz!

My answer to you is yes. Yes it is.

Now whoever can guess who this elder guy actually is, I applaud you. Extra cookies for you.

K Bai.

Love you guys!

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