Chapter 41

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-Preston's POV-

Days turned to weeks, and soon, they all melded together.  (Aka 3 human years later)

I was left alone as I had requested, and was able to regain instincts I had not retained in the overworld.

My senses heightened in my natural home- so I could evidently smell food from long distances, could see details in the netherrack I could not before, hear the pigmen so I could avoid them, and feel the heat when I got too close to a blaze. My diet change had actually affected how I look, because I lost a substantial amount of weight equal to about 20 pounds.

But that loss was good. To some humans, it was bad. Humans believe in perfect distribution of weight, but us creepers are designed to weigh very little, while still being 'fleshed out'.

Our distribution of weight is different to the human. Our weight is shifted mostly to our feet, while a human is distributed evenly across the body. It makes everything weigh more, while we only deal with heavy(ish) feet.

On average a creeper can be 5 feet tall maximum, while still weighing less than 15 pounds. Having the weight sink to our feet gives us more momentum when we run or jump. (Which is probably why we all think you humans are so slow, as well as why we rule over parkour)

To test myself as a daily challenge, I put together a short agility/ parkour course. Each day, I added something new to make it harder. On the odd occasion, Lila joined me, but could not keep a clean pace.

I gave her permission to practice when I was out, and she slowly got better.

"Preston, will you ever return to the surface world?"


"I was just curious, seeing as you spent your childhood up there."

"I probably will. It will most likely come to a point where I live half a year here and half a year there."

(Keep in mind that a creeper year is 6 human ones)

"Okay. Before you leave, I would appreciate you tell me."

"Alright, Lila."

I had begun to pack away potash apples already for my overworld stay, but I still had a few more to collect before I was completely prepared.

Another two days and I was ready. I gave Lila full permission to use the course I had made, but to leave it as it was, and not add anything to it.

I stepped up to the portal, and before I stepped in, Lila hugged me.

"See you in half a year, Preston."

"See you soon, Lila. Behave. Please."

She laughed, "Of course. I would not dream of misbehaving. That would upset you."

"Farewell. I shall return in half a year."

I stepped into the portal. My vision blurred, then came back with the much brighter, white light of the sun.

My eyes readjusted quickly and I made my way to the woods.

Only a few steps into the woods, and I was tackled by a slime. He must have been a child, no older than 2 months. To humans, that is merely 4 years old.

(Forgive my math. Calculators don't do months and years settings. It's hard to calculate)

I pushed him off, and sat up to study him. He looked ratty and injured. Slimes can change their shape to be less obvious, and this one chose to contort into a human shape. It was a smart move to say the least.

"Who are you?"

"Preston Hart."

"What are you?"

"Lava creeper."

"Why are you here?"

"Visiting friends. I have a few questions of my own, slime."


"I am no idiot. I can see through you. Literally."

"Fine. Ask your questions."

"Why are you alone? Does your kind not stick together anymore?"

"We do. I was separated from them."


"Human trappers."

"Hunters? I have had my share of hunters."

"Yeah. Where are your friends? Who are your friends?"

"I normally live with the baccas."

"The bacs? Why? How are you not dead?"

"Why must everyone think they are so dangerous? Come with me, child."

"I am not Child. My name is Pete."

"Alright. Come with me, Pete."

Sorry it took so long guys! I've had a lot to do and a lot of shitty Internet. I've been in Ohio, Saratoga, and a lot of other places and haven't been left with much time to sit down and write.

I can't guarantee it will get better with timing since my school starts on August 18th this year, which is like, a week or two away? So I'll keep you updated as best I can.

And PLEASE. I beg of you. DO NOT RUSH ME. I crack under pressure.

Love you guys!

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