"Well it won't get any colder while I'm outside. I'm too smokin' hot." Eugene boasted.

"Wow, even while you're freezing to death you're still conceited." Elsa awed.

"Can you just let me in?" Eugene begged.

"Nope." Jack smirked.

"Rap! Baby, come on." Eugene pleaded. Rapunzel seemed to fighting her conscience. "Don't make me pull a smolder on you." Eugene threatened.

"A what?" I asked.

"His smolder." Jack and Kristoff sighed. Eugene suddenly pulled out the ugliest face I've ever seen. All of us groaned, while Rapunzel sighed. She seemed mesmerized by it.

"Rapunzel! Don't fall for his tricks!" Merida commanded as she shook Rapunzel.

"It's just a little cute." Rapunzel confessed.

"Don't let him in!" Hiccup shouted. Rapunzel walked towards the window.

"Sorry, it is really cute though." Rapunzel sympathetically smiled as she pulled the curtains shut so we couldn't see him.

"Way to go, Punz!" I cheered. Immediately, we heard the a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Jack asked.


"Lettuce who?" Jack smiled.

"Lettuce in, it's cold outside."

"I don't know. Who's with you?" Jack smirked.

"Me, myself, and I." Eugene replied. Jack rolled his eyes and we heard the click of the door as it was unlocked. Immediately, the door flew open, smashing Jack.

"Oww!" Jack whined.

"You guys are jerks." Eugene replied as he rubbed his hands.

"It's not my fault you're too slow." Jack smirked. Eugene rolled his eyes and sat next to Rapunzel on the couch.

"Aren't you going to take your coat off?" Rapunzel asked.

"No. I'm still freezing." Eugene whined.

"Oh come on, it's not even that cold." Elsa scoffed.

"Says you. I hate winter." Eugene grumbled. Elsa, Jack, and Kristoff gasped at Eugene's comment.

"Take it back." Jack frowned.

"No! You locked me outside!" Eugene reasoned.

"Touché." Jack replied.

"Can we eat? I'm starving!" Merida exclaimed as she laid across Hiccup.

"Sure. I think we have some chips." Jack said as we walked into his kitchen. We sat around at the table as Jack pulled out three bags of chips. Everyone's mouths were watering as Jack tossed them onto the table. Everyone was fighting over the bags. I was happily munching on my chips as I looked over at Eugene with his head on the table.

"Are you hungry, Eugene?" I asked with my mouth full.


"Then why don't you eat?" Hiccup questioned.

"Wrestling." Eugene groaned.

"Overweight again?" Jack smirked, receiving a glare from Eugene.

"Come on, one chip can't hurt." Merida taunted as she waved a chip in his face.

"Yes it can."

"Even one, tiny chip?" Merida smirked. Eugene looked at it, almost reaching out to grab it, but quickly pulled his hand back.

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